The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides education, information, counseling and individualized referrals to assist with a wide range of personal and social problems.
The Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Program allows City employees to deposit a portion of their pre-tax income into accounts maintained for certain health and dependent care expenses.
Employees covered by a non-City group health plan can enroll in the MSC Program and waive City health benefits to receive an incentive payment, up to $1,000.
The Management Benefits Fund (MBF) provides supplemental benefits to the non-unionized personnel of the City of New York, which includes all managerial, confidential, and original jurisdiction employees and retirees.
The VDT Program is a biennial (two year) Occupational Vision Care Benefit for employees who regularly and for continuous periods of time operate VDT terminals twenty (20) hours or more per week. Employees who meet VDT Program eligibility requirements can receive vision examinations, lenses and frames at no cost (biennially in conjunction with the employee’s regular vision care benefit through their Welfare Fund/Union).
The following information applies to current participants of the City of New York's LTC Program through MetLife.Read More
Note: For current LTC participants through MetLife, please contact MetLife's customer service center at (866) 414-7076 if you have any questions regarding your policy, including questions about:
If you are currently in the LTC Program and you would like to change the following information, please complete the LTC Change Form: