Employee Benefit Program client service walk-in centers remain closed to walk-in visitors. Please see below for instructions on how to make an appointment.
Retiree Health Benefits, the Deferred Compensation Plan, Flexible Spending Accounts Program and the Managment Benefits Fund can be reached via email. Please see below for additional information.
Retiree Client Service Center Information:
Retiree Client Service Call Center Representatives are available 10am to 4pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays by calling (212) 513-0470.
The Health Benefits Retiree Client Service Center is open for in-person meetings on Wednesdays only, by appointment only. It remains closed to walk-in visitors. To make an appointment to meet with a Client Service Representative call (212) 513-0470. Appointments will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please submit your documents as follows:
1) Forms and documents can be submitted electronically using the following link: https://nycemployeebenefits.leapfile.net
For detailed instructions on how to submit your form/document securely through LeapFile and to view a short video, click here.
Please do not submit your form/document more than once. This will only delay processing.
You will immediately receive notification stating "Success! Your file has been received" upon completion of your document upload. You will not receive a separate email confirmation.
2) Forms and documents can also be mailed to:
NYC Office of Labor Relations
Health Benefits Program
22 Cortlandt Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10007
3) Forms and documents can also be faxed to: (212) 306-7373
4) Inquiries and questions can be emailed to healthbenefits@olr.nyc.gov
5) For questions regarding the PICA prescription drug benefit program please call 1-800-467-2006.
Retirees with questions about Medicare Part B Reimbursement please visit the Medicare Part B & IRMAA page for information.
All EAP services are available Monday through Friday, 8am – 7pm. Please contact the EAP by email at eap@olr.nyc.gov or call and leave a message at (212) 306-7660.
Email: eap@olr.nyc.gov
Phone: (212) 306-7660
Email: workwell@olr.nyc.gov
Client Service Center Information:
The Deferred Compensation Plan/NYCE IRA Client Service Center is open for in-person or virtual meetings by appointment only. All appointments must be scheduled online, in advance. Visit the Plan's homepage for additional information and to schedule an appointment.
As always, you can speak with a Deferred Compensation Plan Customer Service Representative about the Plan and your account(s) on the phone by calling at (212) 306-7760, 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Please submit your documents as follows:
1) Inquiries and questions can be sent via email to the Plan.
2) Forms/documents can be sent via email to NEWYRK@VOYAPLANS.com.
3) Forms can also be faxed to 844-299-2362.
Please only include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number, along with your name and address on all forms.
Also, please do not submit your form/document more than once. This will only delay processing.
Client Service Center Information:
The Deferred Compensation Plan/NYCE IRA Client Service Center is open for in-person or virtual meetings by appointment only. All appointments must be scheduled online, in advance. Visit the NYCE IRA homepage for additional information and to schedule an appointment.
As always, you can speak with a Customer Service Representative about the Plan and your account(s) on the phone by calling at (212) 306-7760.
Please submit your documents as follows:
1) Inquiries and questions can be sent via email to the Plan.
2) Forms/documents can be sent via email to NEWYRK@VOYAPLANS.com.
3) Forms can also be faxed to 844-299-2362.
Please only include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number, along with your name and address on all forms.
Also, please do not submit your form/document more than once. This will only delay processing.
4) All checks must be mailed to the Plan's Lockbox. Please use the address indicated on the form you are submitting.
The Management Benefits Fund client service walk-in center remains closed to visitors.
Please submit your forms and documents as follows:
1) Inquiries and questions can be sent via email to the Fund
2) Forms/documents can be submitted electronically to: https://nyc-mbf.leapfile.net
Please do not submit your form/document more than once. This will only delay processing.
Please check back periodically for updates and how to send forms and claims electonically to the Fund.
The Flexible Spending Accounts Program client service walk-in center remains closed to visitors.
Please submit your forms and documents using the instructions below.
1) Inquiries and questions can be sent via email to the Program.
2) Forms/documents can be submitted electronically to: https://nyc-fsa.leapfile.net
Please do not submit your form/document more than once. This will only delay processing.
Please check back periodically for updates and how to send forms and claims electronically to the Program.