A greenhouse is an accessory structure used for cultivating plants and made of noncombustible framework including walls and roof covered with transparent materials such as plain or wire glass, or light transmitting plastic glazing. The interior of a greenhouse is typically exposed to sunlight, allowing the interior to become warmer and protecting the contents from cold weather.
Based on the location and the scope of the project, submission of a greenhouse project will have different requirements as outlined below:
Detached Greenhouse. A detached greenhouse, accessory to a residential building, would be filed as a New Building application because the installation of the structure requires a separate Building Identification Number (BIN) and will be issued a new Certificate of Occupancy at completion.
Attached Greenhouse. An attached greenhouse, accessory to a residential building, may be filed as a Renovation application because it is an extension of an existing building and will be issued a Certificate of Completion following installation.
Rooftop Greenhouse. A rooftop greenhouse would be filed as an Alteration application because it is considered an installation of an additional story and will be issued an
A non-commercial greenhouse is a permitted obstruction as per the NYC Zoning Resolution provided it is accessory to a residential building.
Attached Accessory Greenhouse (non-commercial) – A permitted obstruction in a required rear yard or rear yard equivalent, which includes certain restrictions as outlined in ZR 23-44 (b) (4). Greenhouses at-grade shall be limited to one story or 15 feet in height above adjoining grade (1 RCNY 23-01).
Detached Accessory Greenhouse (non-commercial) – A permitted obstruction in a required rear yard or rear yard equivalent, which includes certain restrictions as outlined in ZR 23-44. The height of a detached greenhouse shall be limited to 10 feet above the level of rear yard or rear yard equivalent (1 RCNY 23-01). The area of the greenhouse installation shall not exceed 25 percent of the required rear yard.
Rooftop Greenhouse - A permitted obstruction on the roof of a structure, allowed on a community facility building located in a residential district.
A greenhouse may be installed on the rooftop of a residential building, however, the structure may be considered a story and applicable code and zoning limitations apply.
At-grade greenhouses in required yards and rooftop greenhouses are treated as new buildings or enlargements to existing buildings in these districts. See New Building, Alteration or Renovation Project Guidelines for Manufacturing, Mixed Use, and Commercial Buildings.
In a commercial or manufacturing district, an attached one-story structure 23 feet above curb level is a permitted obstruction in a required rear yard or rear yard equivalent.
A rooftop greenhouse is a permitted obstruction on the roof of a structure and allowed on non-residential buildings, but requires an approval from the City Planning Commission (ZR 75-01).
Footings and/or Foundation (may require soil test)
Structural frame
Plain or wire glass, or light transmitting plastic glazing
Plumbing and/or Mechanical systems for water, drainage, and ventilation or climate control
Electrical Work
Partial demolition and removal
Reconfiguration and/or partial replacement of an existing building structure
Project Notes:
Any construction work that results in changes to an existing building that requires the issuance of an amended or new Certificate of Occupancy will not be considered a Renovation project, but instead must be submitted as an alteration project.
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