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Preventing Youth Trafficking

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Resources for Professionals
What to Do and Who to Contact When You Identify a Trafficked Child

Register Now for the 2025 NYC Child Trafficking Prevention Conference

  • The conference will provide eighteen (18) FREE, virtual workshops between January 9th and January 31, 2025, in recognition of National Human Trafficking Month.
  • The workshops will be provided by national and regional experts, all of whom currently work directly in trafficking awareness and prevention.
  • All workshops are FREE and will be provided virtually through Microsoft Teams.
  • Registration is through links within the 2025 Child Trafficking Prevention Conference Program.
  • Please email any questions to

New for 2025!

Web accessible version of Child Trafficking and What YOU Can Do About It: Tool for NYC Child Welfare Professionals. Now you can access the toolkit through your smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop!

Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Trainings

The Office of Child Trafficking Prevention and Policy (OCTPP) has trained over 40,000 since its launch in 2015. Continuing its tradition of high quality awareness and skill focused trainings, in 2025 OCTPP will continue to offer three (3) virtual conferences, plus monthly Child Trafficking Database (CTDB) trainings and a variety of additional trafficking prevention related events. All conference workshops are free and will be held through Microsoft Teams. Please note that CEUs and CLEs, and certificates are not available for these workshops, but attendance verification can be provided through email. Please email all questions to

For 2025:

  • January: The NYC Child Trafficking Prevention Conference, which will begin on January 9th.
  • April: The "April is Child Abuse Prevention Month" Spring Training Series.
  • October: The "Back to School" Fall Training Series.

Child Trafficking Database (CTDB) Trainings

Next CTDB Training: January 30, 2025. Register here.

ACS' Policy and Procedure 2020/05: Identifying, Assessing, and Safety Planning with Child Sex and Labor Trafficking Victims, articulates the guidelines and procedures for ACS and provider agency staff in identifying children and youth for sex and/or labor trafficking, and for safety planning, coordinating with law enforcement, and making referrals for appropriate services. The policy requires screening children for sex trafficking in the Child Trafficking Database (CTDB), which is the electronic mechanism that all ACS and provider agency staff must use. This training will provide an overview of what is child trafficking, a description of the legislation that led to mandated sex trafficking screenings, a detailed overview of the policy and a step by step walk through of CTDB screening procedures, ending with a live, hands-on demonstration of a screening that puts together everything learned in the training. This training is a must for all NYC child welfare staff and any other professional who needs to understand ACS' trafficking policy and to perform the screenings correctly. No CEUs are available for this training.

All trainings are provided from 10 am to 1 pm EST, generally on a Thursday of the month (with exception for holiday conflicts). A Teams link for direct registration of that month's training will be available from at the beginning of each month. Copy and paste the link into Chrome or Edge to register for the training. A "Join Meeting" link email will be emailed from Teams right after registration. Save the email and click on the "Join Meeting" button to enter on training date. The trainings will also be entered into the HSLC/STARS database for Staff Development Coordinators to register ACS and provider agency staff. The Teams link will be emailed to all registered in HSLC/STARS the day prior to the training and again at 8:00 am on the day of the training. Email all questions to

Child Trafficking Database (CTDB) Reference Guide 

Child Trafficking Database (CTDB) Phase II vs. Phase III Update Handout

2025 CTDB Training Dates

  • January 30th (Thursday)
  • February 27th (Thursday)
  • March 27 (Thursday)
  • April 24 (Thursday)
  • May 29 (Thursday)
  • June 26 (Thursday)
  • July 31 (Thursday)
  • August 21 (Thursday)
  • September 25 (Thursday)
  • October 30 (Thursday)
  • November 20 (Thursday)
  • December 18 (Thursday)

CTDB e-Learning:

This one-hour eLearning program prepares learners to navigate the Child Trafficking Database (CTDB), an electronic tool used to assess youth who may be at risk for sex trafficking. Learners will explore the purpose and practical application of the federal, state, and New York City assessment, reporting, and documentation mandates that protect potential victims. Before attending this eLearning training, learners must complete an online pre-test. Registration is available in Cornerstone. No CEUs. Questions about the e-Learning should be emailed to the WI Help Desk.

View the CTDB e-Learning Flyer

For All Other Trafficking Related Trainings:

ACS' Office of Child Trafficking Prevention and Policy produces three training conferences annually, and other interspersed trainings:

  • NYC Child Trafficking Prevention Conference (January)
  • April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Spring Training Series (April) - Program link will be available at the beginning of March
  • Back to School! Fall Training Series (October)
  • Additional trainings throughout the year

Trainings will be listed on this page when registration starts. Registration is through Webex links, which can be obtained through the posted conference programs or by email to

Child Trafficking Awareness and Prevention

About the ACS Office of Child Trafficking Prevention & Policy (OCTPP)

Human Trafficking Prevention Virtual Resource Fair


ACS is committed to identifying and helping sex and labor trafficked children and youth achieve safety and obtain resources to help them heal and thrive. ACS ' Office of Child Trafficking Prevention & Policy (OCTPP) works with involved stakeholders to provide services to prevent trafficking and meet the needs of at-risk youth and trafficking survivors through funding from ACS and the NYS Office of Family and Children's Services' Safe Harbour Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click a question, or press the enter key on a question, to reveal its answer.

What is human trafficking?

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or coercion, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.

What is the difference between child sex trafficking and adult sex trafficking and adult sex work?

Child sex trafficking does not require an element of force or fraud or coercion. It involves a commercial sex act, where something of value – money, food, clothing, drugs, shelter, protection, or other consideration – is provided in exchange for a sex act OR Child Sexual Abuse Materials (CSAM – photos or videos of child sexual abuse), exotic dancing , escort services, private sex parties, working in an adult book/video store, online sexual interactions. Child sex trafficking is known as the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).

Adult sex trafficking involves a person over the age of 18 who experiences force, fraud or coercion.

What are the types of trafficking?

The three types of Human Trafficking are Sex, Labor and Organ Trafficking.

Sex Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Note: For children under the age of 18, the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) comprises sexual abuse and remuneration in money, goods, or services - or the promise of money, goods, or services to the child or a third person or persons for the sexual abuse of a child, who is treated as a commercial sex object. Force, fraud or coercion is not required for a child under the age of 18.

Labor Trafficking refers to a crime where a person compels or induces another person to engage in labor, or recruits, entices, harbors, or transports such other person by means of intentionally: (1) providing the victim with certain drugs;13 (2) requiring servicing of a debt that is caused by a course of conduct, with intent to defraud such a person; (3) withholding or destroying government identification documents; (4) using force or engaging in any scheme, plan, or pattern to compel or induce such person to engage in labor activity by making that person fearful.

Organ Trafficking is the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring or receipt of living or deceased persons or their organs by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving to, or the receiving by, a third party of payments or benefits to achieve the transfer of control over the potential donor, for the purpose of exploitation by the removal of organs for transplantation.

What are the red flags that can help me identify sex trafficking?

What do I do if I suspect a child is being sex trafficked?

If you believe the person is in immediate danger, call 911.

National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888 Text line: 233733

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (if a child is trafficked and missing from home or a program) 800-THE-LOST (843-5678) CyberTipline:

New York State Justice Center (if you believe that a youth is being abused/neglected while placed in residential care) 855-373-2122

The Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (if suspected trafficker is a parent or person legally responsible for the child) 800-342-3720

If you are from NYC Administration for Children's Services (ACS), Foster Care, Preventive Services or Detention Services, also notify the ACS Child Trafficking Mailbox at:

What do I do if I suspect a child is being labor trafficked?

New York State Department of Labor Division of Immigrant Policies and Affairs, via phone at 877-466-9757, or email at for further guidance and information.

If you are from NYC Administration for Children's Services (ACS), Foster Care, Preventive Services or Detention Services, always notify the ACS Child Trafficking Mailbox at:

About the ACS Office of Child Trafficking Prevention & Policy (OCTPP):

The Office of Child Trafficking Prevention & Policy (OCTPP) primarily works with ACS and provider agency professionals who help trafficked and at-risk youth. OCTPP provides direct services to youth through training, groupwork, individual anti-trafficking counseling and through its Credible Messenger Program. OCTPP raises awareness of trafficking and identifies services to help survivors, at-risk youth, and their families. OCTPP administrates the NYC Safe Harbour Program, which provides guidance for all trafficked NYC youth, both internally and externally to the NYC child welfare and juvenile justice systems.



Free Tattoo Removal for ACS-Involved Youth

Child Trafficking Banner Offering Free Tattoo Removal for Children

If you are a youth currently receiving any type of child welfare services from ACS, in foster care, or receiving preventive or juvenile justice services, you may be eligible for free tattoo removal. To find out more, ask your ACS worker or agency case planner to contact for further information.

Help us prevent child trafficking.