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Resources for Professionals

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Preventing Youth Trafficking
What to Do and Who to Contact When You Identify a Trafficked Child

Local, State, and Federal Offices & Initiatives

Identifying Trafficking & Working with Youth

NYC Services

Local, State and Federal Offices & Initiatives

New York City:

New York State:

  • New York State Office of Children & Family Services (OCFS) Human Trafficking Website with policy guidance, laws, and public education materials, including OCFS’s 2015 Administrative Directive: 15-OCFS-ADM-16: Requirements to Identify, Document, Support and Provide Services to Child Sex Trafficking Victims (PDF). This New York State Administrative Directive Memorandum (ADM) provides guidance for child welfare staff, juvenile justice staff, and staff at provider agencies in keeping trafficked and exploited children and youth or at-risk children and youth safe and supported by safety planning, coordinating with law enforcement, and making referrals for appropriate services.


Identifying Trafficking & Working with Youth

NYC Services