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Lincoln Art Exchange


Are you...
...a NYC-based artist or arts worker?
...without health insurance? need of health care?



Lincoln Art Exchange is an artist-specific healthcare program at Lincoln Medical Center in the Bronx. Lincoln realizes that as an artist or performer you possess special talents that can lift spirits and bring hope to patients. We offer a unique option for eligible NYC-based artists who do not have health insurance to exchange their creative services for comprehensive healthcare.

How Do I Enroll?

During your interview, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your work. The process is quick and friendly. It is designed to assess what area of the hospital would be best suited for your artistic abilities, and it gives you the opportunity to learn more about this program.

To set up an enrollment interview, call the toll-free number, 855-LIN-ARTS (855-546-2787) or send an email to

After the interview, you will meet with a Financial Counselor to sign up for HHC Options, if eligible.

Learn more about the Lincoln Art Exchange Program and how it works.

Lincoln's Virtual Tour
Lincoln's Senior Cookbook
Quick Links
Community Health Needs Assessment Report
Insurance and Financial Assistance
Contracting Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
How to Cut Back on Sugary Drinks
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