The Cancer Center is an accredited cancer program that provide quality cancer care to patients in the surrounding South Bronx and Harlem Communities. The Cancer Center utilizes the community health center model which focuses on a multidisciplinary team approach consisting of Medical Oncology, Breast Oncology/Breast Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Palliative Care, Psychiatric Oncology, Social Work, Research and Nutrition.
The Lincoln Cancer Center was first accredited by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) in 2006 and subsequently re-accredited in 2009 and 2012 as a Community Hospital Cancer Program. The Center was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (ACS CoC) in 2009 and 2012. Receipt of this award recognizes Lincoln’s strive for excellence in providing quality care to cancer patients and for demonstrating a commendation level of compliance with eight standards of care that represent the full scope of the cancer program. Only 18% of cancer programs surveyed nationally received this award.
The Lincoln Breast Center, which operates as a major program in the Cancer Center, was the first site in New York City to receive accreditation by ACS National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers in 2009. The Breast Center was successfully re-accredited in 2012 by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), and was acknowledged for excellence in the care of patients with breast cancer.
Prevention Programs
Lincoln Medical Center has four dedicated public health educators who participate in community workshops, school health education and health fairs to discuss various topics such as early detection, nutrition and smoking cessation. Our health educators assists us in establishing and maintaining important linkages within the Bronx community.
Lincoln works closely with the American Cancer Society and participates in the Relay for Life and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events.
In May of 2013, Lincoln was proud to support the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prevention Study-3. The hospital recruited and registered 50 study volunteers who made a commitment to participate in this important study over the course of the next 20+ years.
Screening Programs
In partnership with the Cancer Services Program (CSP) of New York State, Lincoln conducts breast, colon and cervical cancer screenings throughout the year. These low or no cost screenings are advertised through outreach efforts of the hospital and the CSP. The outreach team distributes flyers at numerous community events, health fairs and events targeting seniors. These free screenings ensure that every member of our community, especially the underserved and underinsured, has access to potentially life-saving care.
Patients seen at a screening event are managed through the CSP, in partnership with the hospital. Patients who require a referral to a specialist are contacted by staff from the CSP and assisted with scheduling an appointment. If needed, the hospital helps patients obtain coverage through the Emergency Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program (MCTP) and Emergency Medicaid to cover treatment costs.
Cancer Outreach Programs consist of Viva Mujer (Long Live Women), Viva Los Hombres (Long Live Men) and For You, For Life programs which focus on outreach, public education and screening for breast, cervical, prostate and colon cancer. These programs are particularly successful because many of our community members may be intimidated by the culture, language and beliefs and are not familiar with the health care system and the various services available to them. Our staff and volunteers help to break some of these language and socio-cultural barriers at workshops and health fairs held at community-based organizations, parks, schools and faith-based organizations.