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Important notice on data breaches affecting some HHC patients

WTC Environmental Health Center

For Health Professionals

If you feel your patient could use the help of the WTC Environmental Health Center please call the toll free number 1-888-WTC-4748 for more information about the program or to provide a direct patient referral.

The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has developed clinical guidelines for physicians who treat adults and children who were exposed to the dust of the WTC. These guidelines describe common physical and mental health problems that could be caused or exacerbated by exposure to the WTC disaster and provide information for physicians to diagnose, treat and, if necessary, refer patients for additional evaluation and treatment. These guidelines can be downloaded from the Health Department website at

WTC Environmental Health Center

For eligibility and enrollment of people new to the program,
call toll free 1-888-WTC-HP4U (1-888-982-4748) or visit

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