NOTE:  You can choose to have your individual consultation performed either
over the phone, or in-person, at the Plan's Financial Wellness Center.

Individual Consultation/Personal Financial Planning Service

During your consultation, you will meet with one of our Certified Financial Planner™ professionals for a presentation of your personal Financial Plan.  You are welcome to include your spouse, partner or anyone you wish to the consultation.

There is a one-time fee of $25 for your individual consultation which includes: 

    • A 90 minute discussion of your goals and a review of your current situation.
    • A hard copy personal Financial Plan, which is provided to the participant at the completion of this session.
    • An opportunity for you to address one or more of your financial questions such as college planning, estate planning or major purchase decision.
    • Impartial and unbiased education. Our CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals are salaried and non-commissioned. Their only interest is your interest.

How to Get Started
Click the “Get Started” button to request an Individual Consultation.

IMPORTANT:  You must be a NYC Deferred Compensation Plan/NYCE IRA participant to take advantage of this service.  If you are not already enrolled, please visit "How to Enroll" for information about becoming a DCP participant. 

Contact Information

For your convenience, there are 2 ways to contact the DCP Financial Wellness Center.

Address your message to:

Call us at 212.306.5050 Monday through Friday 9AM – 5PM

Our Certified Financial Planner™ professionals are salaried and do not sell or recommend any products.  In this way, they are impartial and unbiased.  Certified Financial Planner™ professionals abide by the Code of Ethics of the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards that mandates that their concern is only that of their clients.

A Few Quotes From Our Participants: