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Request Documents

If you are the respondent or respondent’s registered representative:
If you need to request documents, you may do so by following this link and filling out this online Records Request form and select Request Documents on the "Message Topic" drop down list at the top of the form.

If you would rather submit the form by mail or in person, you can use this PDF Records Request Form and mail it to the address at the top of the form or bring the form to any OATH location (find all of OATH’s locations here).

If you are neither the respondent nor the respondent’s registered representative:
Visit the Data / Records Requests page to learn about the data and informational resources OATH has made available to the public. You will also find information on how you can make a request for records

Request Decisions

Even if you are not the respondent or authorized representative, OATH can process requests for copies of decisions - in English or other languages - if the request is only for the Hearing or Appeal Decision in a case, without requiring the requestor to file a FOIL request. You can send a request for a decision to In your email you must specify:

  • the summons number(s)
  • the respondent name
  • what language you want the decision in

Please note that if you are requesting a decision in another language, nothing in the written translation shall serve as the basis for a cause of action against the City or constitute a defense in any judicial, administrative, or other proceeding. You may still appeal the decision if you disagree with it; however, the English version of the decision is the document of record that you would be appealing. Requesting a translation does not change or extend the deadlines related to your appeal filing.