*Text OATHreminder to (917) 451-8829 to get text message reminders about your case
* If you are unrepresented and need assistance, text OATHhelp to (917) 451-8829 for help.
Latest Update: OATH is holding remote hearings, trials, conferences, and Help Center sessions. In-person appearances are also available upon request.
All hearings must be requested and prescheduled before the scheduled hearing date. You can request a Hearing by Phone or a Hearing in Person.
Hearing in Person: You can request an in-person hearing. The request must be emailed to livehearings@oath.nyc.gov at least five (5) business days before the hearing date. You will then receive an email with date, time and location information for your hearing. In most in-person hearings, the agency will appear by phone but in rare instances it may choose to appear in person.
Be sure to bring any documents or witnesses to support your case. When you arrive, check in at the reception area. Wait for your name to be called and you will be directed into a hearing room. If you brought witnesses with you, they should go with you into the hearing room. There may be a person who works for the City agency that gave you the summons in the room.
All hearings are recorded. The Hearing Officer will introduce him or herself and will explain how things will be done. If someone from the enforcement agency is present, that person will talk first. You are allowed to ask questions. When the person from the agency is finished, you will have a chance to state your case. You can ask the Hearing Officer to consider evidence or a witness's testimony. When everyone is finished, the Hearing Officer will end the hearing. If you are found guilty on any charge, the OATH Hearing Officer will impose the appropriate penalties. All penalties are set by law and no one at OATH has the ability to alter or waive a penalty amount.
There are no recording devices allowed in the hearing rooms. All cell phones must be turned off.
Free translation services are available at all hearings.
Decisions are typically sent in the mail, to both sides within 30 days of the hearing. If you want your decision and you are willing to wait in the waiting room, you can ask the Hearing Officer if it is possible to get the decision on the same day of your hearing.
OATH has Hearing Division locations in all boroughs.
66 John Street
10th and 11th Floors
New York, NY 10038
Phone: 844-OATH-NYC (844-628-4692)
Fax: 212-361-1900
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
Payments can be made in person.
9 Bond Street
6th and 7th Floors
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 844-OATH-NYC (844-628-4692)
Fax: 718-875-5561
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
260 E. 161 Street, 6th Floor
Bronx, NY 10451
Phone: 844-OATH-NYC (844-628-4692)
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
No in-person payments at this location.
31-00 47 Avenue
3rd and 4th Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: 844-OATH-NYC (844-628-4692) on hearing days
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
Payments can be made in person.
350 St. Marks Place
Main Floor
Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: 844-OATH-NYC (844-628-4692) on hearing days
Fax: 718-815-8391
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
Payments can be made in person at Department of Finance windows.