Data records from the NYPD Stop, Question, and Frisk database are available for download from the links provided below. Data is made available in CSV format. Data for the years 2003 through 2014 are provided in separate zip archives.
Record layouts and code books for each year's data are recorded in separate Excel spreadsheet format files. The most recent year's spreadsheet, as well as a zip archive containing all years' spreadsheets, are downloadable via the links below. The documentation archive may also contain statistical notes for the databases in text file format.
In accordance with Administrative Code 14-150, the New York City Police Department shall post on its website, on a quarterly basis the following Stop, Question and Frisk Report. Such report shall include the number of stop, question and frisks for each patrol precinct, housing police service area, transit district, street crime unit and narcotics division; a breakdown of the number of stop, question and frisks by race and gender for each patrol precinct.
The NYPD 2006 Stop, Question, and Frisk database was previously released through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research's National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) (ICPSR P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106). There are some differences in format and content between the Consortium's file and the one made available above. Consult the documentation supplied with the respective downloads for the detailed differences. The data file and related documentation for NACJD's version of the file can be downloaded at the Consortium's web site:
From 2003 to 2015, data was also made available in SPSS portable file format (.POR), stored in a zip file archive. After downloading, the zip archive must be extracted to access the SPSS portable file. The SPPS statistical system or another statistical software package able to read the SPSS portable file format is necessary to properly access the downloaded files.