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Developments selected to be a part of the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program will receive comprehensive renovations, enhanced property management, and expanded on-site social services.
Through PACT, developments will be included in the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and convert to a more stable, federally-funded program called Project-Based Section 8. This allows NYCHA to unlock funding to complete comprehensive repairs, while also ensuring homes remain permanently affordable and residents have the same basic rights as they possess in the public housing program.
PACT depends on partnerships with private and non-profit development partners, who will be selected based on resident input. Once the property is converted to Project-Based Section 8, NYCHA will lease the land and buildings to the development partners, who will conduct the repairs, serve as the new on-site property manager, and provide enhanced social services and community programs.
PACT can:
NYCHA needs more than $78 billion to fully restore and renovate all of its buildings, but the federal government has provided only a fraction of the funding needed for these improvements. We recognize that many of the conditions in NYCHA buildings are unacceptable and unsafe. Renovations are long overdue but necessary to ensure that the day-to-day needs of residents are met and living conditions improve. PACT is a critical tool that, through partnerships with private and non-profit development partners, allows us to not only modernize homes but also provide enhanced community services and amenities.
Development partners bring design and construction expertise. They address all the physical needs at the development.
Property management partners are responsible for the day-to-day operation and upkeep of the buildings and grounds.
Partnerships with social service providers help improve on-site services and programming through input from residents.
Public Control- NYCHA & Residents
Developments will remain under public control. After conversion, NYCHA will continue to own the land and buildings, administer the Section 8 subsidy and waitlist, and monitor conditions at the development. Where needed, NYCHA can step in to resolve any issues that may arise between residents and the new property management team.
At the beginning of the process, you will have opportunities to learn about PACT and provide feedback on initial plans. Your participation will shape a Community Plan, which will guide all of the work completed at your development. Once a development partner is selected, we will work with residents to develop detailed plans for repairs, upgrades, and on-site social services and community programs. Your input will be critical in shaping the final plans.
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