
Terrorism is an intentional, dangerous act designed to create fear. With accurate information and basic emergency preparedness, you can fight back.
If you are facing a life-threatening emergency and need help immediately, call 911.
It is especially important to be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious behavior or potential threats. If you have information about possible terrorism, call 1-888-NYCSAFE (1-888-623-7233).
What to Do Before a Terrorist Attack or No-Notice Event
- Make an emergency plan, and include who to contact and where to meet your family.
- Remember your neighbors and others in need, and keep your pets in mind.
- Have a Go Bag.
- Stay informed by signing up for Notify NYC, the City of New York's official, free emergency communications program. Register for emergency notifications by getting the free Notify NYC mobile application, visiting NYC.gov/notifynyc, contacting 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115) or following @NotifyNYC on Twitter. (Notify NYC messages are available through many formats, including email, text messages, telephone, the Notify NYC website, RSS, Twitter, and American Sign Language videos.)
- Terrorist attacks could take many forms in New York City. An attack could affect you even if it happens in another borough or a distant neighborhood.
- Learn about the types of situations that New Yorkers could experience from the PlanNowNYC website.
What to Do During a Terrorist Attack or No-Notice Event
New Yorkers should always remain alert and be prepared for the unexpected. In the event that a terrorist attack takes place, it is important to take the following steps to protect yourself.
- Breathe and remain calm.
- Listen to emergency officials for instructions on whether to evacuate or stay in place:
- If you are asked to evacuate, get out as quickly as possible. Stay low to the floor if you can. If you are riding on mass transit such as a bus, subway or train and are told to evacuate, remember to listen to the instructions given by crews or other emergency responders.
- If you are asked to stay where you are or "shelter in place," do not leave until you are told to do so. Lock doors, seal windows, air vents, and fireplace dampers.
- Here is some general advice to follow, if possible, depending on your situation:
- Shooter: GO if it is safe to leave.
- Explosion: GO.
- Radiological: STAY unless you are in immediate danger.
- Biological: GO get away from immediate danger.
- Chemical: GO get away from immediate danger.
- Always be aware of your surroundings. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, do not keep it to yourself; be sure to report it.
- If you see or hear any suspicious activity, call 1-888-NYC-SAFE (1-888-692-7233) or call 911.
- If you see luggage or bags left alone on MTA buses and subways or in public areas, notify the MTA or NYPD. If you receive suspicious mail, do not touch it. Report it to the NYPD or call 911. If you have handled the package, wash your hands with soap and water immediately.
For more information, visit NYC.gov/plannow.
What to Do After a Terrorist Attack or No-Notice Event
- Stay informed with Notify NYC, the City of New York's official, free emergency communications program. Register for emergency notifications by getting the free Notify NYC mobile application, visiting NYC.gov/notifynyc, contacting 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115) or following @NotifyNYC on Twitter. (Notify NYC messages are available through many formats, including email, text messages, telephone, the Notify NYC website, RSS, Twitter, and American Sign Language videos.)
- Tune in to local TV and radio for officials' announcements.
- Do not spread rumors.
What the City Does
The NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau is the city's primary local resource to guard against the threat of international and domestic terrorism in New York City. The latest addition to the bureau is a team of dedicated, highly trained counterterrorism officers, called the Critical Response Command, which is equipped and ready to respond to terrorist and active-shooter attacks.
The NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau reviews possible terrorist targets and develops innovative, forward-thinking policies and procedures to guard against attacks, including training first responders and specialized units, and developing intelligence capabilities for detecting and preventing terrorist attacks. The bureau coordinates with federal, state, and other law enforcement agencies in intelligence gathering and sharing, and plays an integral role in the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
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