We procure a wide range of goods and services, including waste disposal machinery, vehicle maintenance supplies, building maintenance supplies, office supplies, medical and IT services, and construction, design, and engineering services.
We provide a variety of large and small contracts for all vendors including certified Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs). Find out our procurement opportunities:
If you're interested in doing business with DSNY, the first step is to enroll in the Mayor's Office of Contract Services (MOCS) PASSPort System. PASSPort is the digital platform that manages every stage of the procurement process.
Learn more about the PASSPort. For technical help with the system, contact the MOCS Service Desk.
New and prospective New York City vendors must register and create an account in the City's Payee Information Portal (PIP). Registered vendors can enroll for commodity codes to receive solicitations from the City and also view agreements and invoices from city agencies, update and report subcontracts and payments made to subcontractors, and check payment status.
The requirements that vendors must meet to be eligible for contract awards are identified in each specific solicitation. We do not pre-qualify vendors for procurement solicitation participation.
Solicitations can published in the City Record, emailed, or picked up in-person, depending on the procurement method. Request for Proposals (RFPs) are issued electronically and do not require a fee. Bids must be picked up in-person. The cost of the bid, pick-up location, and the acceptable payment method can be found in the City Record Online.
DSNY Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer (ACCO)
44 Beaver Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10007
NOTE: Visitors must show valid ID
Pre-band pre-proposal conferences are opportunities for vendors to learn more about the solicitation and rules and regulations for compliance. They also offer an opportunity to network with other vendors. Conferences are not mandatory, but we encourage vendors to attend. Pre-bid and pre-proposal conferences are advertised in the City Record Online.
The Procurement Policy Board (PPB) is the body which sets procurement policy for all City agencies. Its members are appointed by the Mayor and the New York City Comptroller. The PPB promotes and puts into effect rules governing the procurement of goods and services within NYC. Review the PPB rules.
The City of New York is committed to encouraging a fair, competitive and diverse business environment, supporting the growth and success of Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) and fostering a procurement process that is accessible to all businesses. The City's M/WBE Program currently comprises several different initiatives including the Local Law 1 program, the OneNYC initiative and the M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase Method. These initiatives were specifically created to increase contracting opportunities and participation among City-certified M/WBEs.
NOTE: The City of New York's procurement laws do not allow M/WBE utilization credit for supply companies on an individual contract level.
The New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) has created a to provide subcontractors with information about their rights with respect to payment by the contractor and available city services. Find out more about SBS's Subcontractors Resource Guide.
SBS also offer a searchable online directory which lists certified M/WBE, LBE, and EBE businesses. Explore SBS's Online Directory of NYC Certified Businesses.