Preventative Maintenance Collaborative

An employee wearing white protective gear, a face mask and gloves to perform maintenance on boiler room equipment.

Program Overview

DCAS launched the Preventative Maintenance Collaborative (PMC) Program to support implementation of operations and maintenance (O&M) best practices, and create a state of good repair at energy-intensive City buildings. Through the PMC Program, DCAS offers agencies technical expertise and resources to improve maintenance of their building equipment and systems. DCAS also helps agencies make budget requests for required staff and equipment, and shares O&M best practices among agencies. The PMC contributes to reduced energy usage and emissions from City buildings, and generates savings through improved building performance and reducing the need for emergency repairs and equipment replacements.


DCAS launched the PMC Pilot Program with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, which focused on addressing boiler maintenance and bringing equipment to a state of good repair at select facilities. Based on the pilot's success, the program was expanded to other agencies. Between Fiscal Years 2014 to 2018, DCAS helped place 126 O&M staff—including electricians, steam fitters, and plumbers—in City buildings where O&M work was critically needed to improve energy efficiency. DCAS also helped invest $9.35M in essential repairs.

How to Participate

DCAS works with partner agencies to place O&M staff where they are critically needed to improve energy efficiency. To date, DCAS has partnered with seven agencies. For more information, contact DCAS.