DCAS launched the Innovative Demonstrations for Energy Adaptability (IDEA) Program in 2014 to advance the City's emissions reductions goals by engaging vendors to test new or underutilized technologies in City buildings.
Participating vendors receive support in building use cases for their solutions, while addressing City building system or operational challenges and informing the DCAS cleantech strategy and investments.
Submit your IDEA product/technology information
The IDEA Program is open to entrepreneurs and companies who have innovative energy efficiency, energy infrastructure, or distributed generation solutions. Vendors are expected to:
Selected vendors may receive the following benefits:
DCAS is currently accepting ideas from vendors on a rolling basis. We will contact you if your technology has been selected for demonstration.
Submit your IDEA product/technology information
DCAS is seeking agency partners interested in having tested technologies installed in their buildings. Find a technology for your building here.
As of June 2024, DCAS has completed 27 technology demonstration projects, focused on building controls, HVAC optimization, renewable energy technologies, and smart building systems. Please refer to the case studies below for highlighted demonstrated technologies. (Case studies are only developed for technology demonstration projects that have successfully been completed.)
Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.
Building Controls
HVAC Optimization
Innovations in Renewable Energy
Smart Building Systems