The City Charter’s conflicts of interest law applies to the conduct of over 350,000 current and all former public servants. For instance, the conflicts of interest law prohibits a full-time City employee from having a second job with any company that has business dealings with the City, even if those business dealings are with other City agencies. Because individual circumstances such as these may not actually result in a conflict for the public servant, Charter § 2604(e) authorizes the Board to grant waivers of the conflicts of interest law after it reviews the particular circumstances and determines that the proposed conduct does not conflict with the purposes and interests of the City.

Requesting a Waiver
The Board may only consider a waiver request after the request is signed by the head of the public servant’s current or former City agency. To initiate your waiver application, please complete the form located here: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coib/contact/get-a-waiver.page. If you are unsure as to whether your second job or other outside interest will require a waiver, call the Board at (212) 442-1400 and press “2” to speak with the Attorney of the Day.

Requesting Copies of Past Waivers
Waivers granted by the Board are public and available for inspection. To request a copy of a Board waiver, please submit a FOIL request by emailing FOIL@coib.nyc.gov. For more information on FOIL requests please click here: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coib/contact/submit-a-freedom-of-information-law-request.page