Fundraising for City Agencies

Pursuant to Board Rules § 1-14(c)(1), City agencies must report to the Board annually by February 28 the name of any individual who or firm that made one or more donations totaling $5,000 or more to the agency during the previous calendar year, the total amount of these donations, and whether the donation was cash or in-kind. Those reports are here:

Prior to the adoption of Board Rules § 1-14, Advisory Opinion No. 2003-4 set forth the requirements for a City agency’s fundraising efforts. Reports submitted to the Board pursuant to Advisory Opinion No. 2003-4 between 2003 and 2018 are available here.

Fundraising by City Agencies for Private Not-for-Profits

Pursuant to Board Rules § 1-14(c)(2), City agencies must report to the Board annually by February 28 the name of any not-for-profit organization for which agency employees solicited donations during the previous calendar year. Those reports are here:

Prior to the adoption of Board Rules § 1-14, Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6 set forth requirements for a City agency’s fundraising efforts on behalf of private not-for-profits. Reports submitted to the Board pursuant to Advisory Opinion No. 2008-6 between 2008 and 2018 are available here.

Fundraising by Not-for-Profits Affiliated with Elected Officials

Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 3 of the New York City Administrative Code, a not-for-profit organization affiliated with an elected official must report to the Board annually by August 1 information about the organization and donations received (donor names, amounts, and dates of donations).

Information about affiliated organizations that have registered with the Board (including names of the organization’s principal officers and board members) is available below. Click on the year and the organization to view information submitted for the reported calendar year.

Reported donations are searchable below. The complete dataset can be downloaded at NYC Open Data.

Search Donations to Affiliated NFPs