As per Chapter 17 of the Building Code, scaffold work may require certain Special and Progress Inspections to be performed during and at the end of construction as outlined in the table below. Prior to Approval, the Applicant of Record is required to identify all required Special and Progress Inspections (BC 1704.1). Prior to DOB permit issuance, the owner must typically engage a registered Special Inspection Agency (SIA) who will take responsibility for the Special and Progress Inspections. The Applicant of Record may perform these inspections if they are also an SIA. Per BC 1704.1.2, the Contractor cannot hire the special inspector.
Based on the scope of work, a scaffold project may be required to comply with the following Special and Progress Inspection requirements:
Alternate Materials |
A Special Inspection is required per BC 1704.14 when the proposed Scaffold’s materials and systems are alternatives to materials and systems prescribed by this code; for unusual design; and/or materials and systems required to be installed in accordance with additional manufacturer’s instructions with requirements not contained in the building code or in standards referenced. |
Post Installed Anchors |
Special inspection per BC 1704.32 (BB 2014-018, BB 2014-019). Post-installed anchors. The installation of post-installed mechanical anchors, adhesive anchors, and screw anchors shall comply with BC Table 1704.32. The special inspection shall include the verification of compliance with approved construction documents and standards established by the commissioner pursuant to Section AC 28-113.2.2. |
Structural Stability |
If restrained either horizontally or vertically, alteration of existing structural systems or elements, such as columns, beams, bearing walls, seismic isolation, etc... where the stability or integrity of a structural system is to be temporarily diminished, in accordance with Sections BC 1704.20.6 through 1704.20.10. |
There are no required DOB inspections solely for the use of construction equipment. However, there may be required DOB inspections for associated projects that utilize construction equipment such as demolition or new construction. See other Project Guidelines for associated DOB Inspections.
Except for Temporary Hoistways, Construction Equipment projects do not require a final inspection.
Submission of Special Inspections can be done online by Special Inspection Agency.
DOB inspections may be required during various project stages. Such inspection requests may be made online, and any objections raised may be resolved online.
If the applicant elected to self-certify the required DOB inspections, an online notice of intent to self-certify must have been submitted at the project start. Such self-certified inspections may be audited; audit results will be provided to applicant and must be resolved prior to final sign-off.
Depending on the above, DOB or the applicant shall complete the final sign-off inspection to close the project.
If the completed project has changes that are not significant or substantive, an ‘As-Built’ submission shall be allowed. The applicant must submit revised ‘As-Built’ drawings prior to project sign-off.
Temporary Construction Equipment projects may require a final inspection by the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT).
An online tool for scheduling appointments for required DOB inspections must be used. This system, DOB NOW: Inspections provides the ability to request and cancel appointments online, as well as view inspection results and documentation.