A scaffold project must be filed for review under the current code, the 2014 NYC Construction Codes, as referenced in the Administrative Code article AC 28-101.4.
Zoning regulations do not apply to scaffold projects.
NOTE: While the following is a list of Code and other regulations that may be relevant in the project’s design, it does not cover ALL applicable regulations.
All projects must comply with the NYC General Administrative Provisions and Building Code. For sidewalk shed projects, the NYC Building Code, and other applicable Codes and laws may be involved. Typical Code regulations that must be considered for a sidewalk shed project include:
All projects must comply with the General Administrative Provisions and Building Code. For scaffold projects, the NYC Building Code, and other applicable Codes and laws may be involved:
Use of Current Construction Code: AC 28-101.4
A complete description of proposed scope of work: AC 28-104.7
Design: BC 3314.3
BB 2010-019 – Vertical Safety Netting
BB 2012-07 – Special Inspections
BB 2014-018 – Post-installed Anchors in Concrete
BB 2014-019 – Post-installed Anchors in Concrete
BB 2015-029 – Action plan for extreme weather
BB 2016-05 – Post-installed Anchors in Masonry
TPPN 9/99 – Minimum requirements for filing Sidewalk Shed applications
Electrical Code: EC Article 590
Rooftop access and obstructions (FC 504.4)
Rooftop access - Scaffolding obstructing rooftop access locations shall be designed to provide secure landings at such locations in an approved manner FC 504.4.1
Additionally, scaffold projects must also comply with the rules, regulations, laws and Codes of other City agencies, such as the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT), NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Fire Department (FDNY), NYC Environmental Protection (DEP), NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and others.
Prior to preparing the design drawings and construction documents, the Registered Design Professional must perform a pre-design review that analyzes all of the building elements, systems and other components affected by the proposed scope of work to verify a code-compliant installation or modification of Scaffolds.
Based upon the complexity and scale of the project, the information provided on the drawings must clearly describe all of the work required for the code compliant execution and completion of the project per Article AC 28-104, 2014 BC 107.2 and BC 1603.
The DOB guidelines outlined in the following section provide an organized approach for the preparation of construction documents; this will facilitate the plan review process. Drawings shall clearly indicate existing and proposed conditions and any area affected by the scope of work.
Construction documents should represent complete work, including applicable multiple disciplines such as architectural, structural, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and others. There must be close coordination between all disciplines for the proposed scope of work to ensure code compliance; reference AC 28-104.7, BC 107.2 , and Plan Examination Guidelines – Minimum Requirement for Review if Design Drawings, Revised 4-30-2014 for information on submittal of and required construction documents.
Construction Documents. Drawings necessary to convey essential information such as floor layouts, elevations, schedules and details. The applicable Building Codes and notes should be stated on the drawings as required to demonstrate code and zoning compliance. Where essential to clarify overall layouts and details, a scale should be included on the drawings; a graphic scale is recommended.
*Refer to Construction Project Guidelines for Construction Equipment projects – Sidewalk Shed, Temporary Hoist, and Chute.
Drawings. Drawing index must identify discipline (A, EQ, S, etc.) and drawing number (100.00, 101.00, etc.) for all included plans, sections, elevations, details, schedules, etc. The scaffold drawings should reflect clear scope of work, per BC 3314.3.3, and include all affected systems. Examples are as follows:
Designator - Sheet Number | Sheet Description: |
T-001.00 | Plot/lot diagram shows the project location, size and height of the building; location and size of the proposed sidewalk shed; width of the sidewalk; distance between building and street line |
EQ-100.00 | Existing conditions |
EQ-300.00 | Proposed Scaffold Plans and Location |
EQ-400.00 | Existing Façade elevations and proposed Scaffold, platform levels, support centers and offsets |
EQ-401.00 | Cross Sections (if applicable), maximum levels, and loads imposed any hoisting equipment, and netting |
A-501.00 | Roof Access Plan |
S-100.00 | Structural Plans, structural members, including modifications to the base structure, and Details |
Drawing Legend to include: Symbols, abbreviations, notes and definition, list all applicable Building Code section numbers.
Recommended Drawing Designators:
A: Architectural: Mandatory designation for drawings showing architectural work
EQP: Equipment: Mandatory designation for drawings related to temporary construction equipment such as temporary hoist, sidewalk sheds, fences, and scaffolds
S: Structural: Mandatory designation for drawings showing structural work
Other Required Documents. Based on the location of the building, designation, and the project scope of work, the following submissions may have to accompany the drawings at intake:
Post Approval Amendments. Any changes to approved scope of work that are significant and substantive will require submission of revised documents and/or plans as a post-approval amendment (PAA). Approval of an amendment must be obtained before the work is completed. Changes that are not substantive do not require a PAA; however these changes must be shown on plans and included in the drawings revised under the sign and seal of the Registered Design Professional, which shall be available at the project site (AC 28-104.3).
Some substantive changes that meet the following criteria should be submitted for review as a PAA to amend the approved plans:
As per BC Chapter 17, scaffold work may require certain Special and Progress Inspections to be performed during and at the end of construction as outlined in the table below. Prior to Approval, the Applicant of Record is required to identify all required Special and Progress Inspections (BC 1704.1). Prior to DOB permit issuance, the Owner must typically engage a registered Special Inspection Agency (SIA) who will take responsibility for the Special and Progress Inspections. The Applicant of Record may perform these inspections if they are also an SIA. Per BC 1704.1.2, the Contractor cannot hire the Special Inspector.
Based on the scope of work, a scaffold project may be required to comply with the following Special and Progress Inspection requirements:
Alternate Materials |
A Special Inspection is required per BC 1704.14 when the proposed Scaffold’s materials and systems are alternatives to materials and systems prescribed by this Code; for unusual design; and/or materials and systems required to be installed in accordance with additional manufacturer’s instructions with requirements not contained in the building code or in standards referenced. |
Post Installed Anchors |
Special inspection per BC 1704.32, BB 2014-018, BB 2014-019. Post-installed anchors. The installation of post-installed mechanical anchors, adhesive anchors, and screw anchors shall comply with BC Table 1704.32. The special inspection shall include the verification of compliance with approved construction documents and standards established by the commissioner pursuant to article AC 28-113.2.2 of the Administrative Code. |
Structural Stability |
If restrained either horizontally or vertically, alteration of existing structural systems or elements, such as columns, beams, bearing walls, seismic isolation, etc. where the stability or integrity of a structural system is to be temporarily diminished, in accordance with Sections BC 1704.20.6 through 1704.20.10. |