Webster Avenue Select Bus Service

Bx41 Select Bus Service began on June 30, 2013

Overview | Updates | Design | Community Outreach and Reports | Timeline

Bx41 Select Bus


The Bx41 Select Bus Service runs along Webster Avenue, a major residential and commercial corridor in the Bronx that has been historically underserved by transit. The Webster Avenue corridor was identified as a potential route for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) improvements in the BRT Phase II Study conducted in April 2009.

The Bx41 Select Bus Service includes many Select Bus Service features including dedicated bus lanes, Select Bus Service-branded stations and buses, and improved fare collection. The Bx41 Select Bus Service launched on June 30, 2013, providing faster and more reliable service for more than 20,000 daily Bx41 riders.

map of webster select bus service route


The New York City Department of Transportation released the Webster Avenue SBS Progress Report in August 2014. The report describes the planning process, provides project details and results, and suggests additional future improvements to the corridor.

Read the Progress Report on the first year of Select Bus Service on Webster Avenue

In partnership with the NYC Department of Design and Construction, a capital project to build additional improvements along Webster Avenue is currently in design with construction planned for 2016. The project will include the construction of "bus bulbs" at the majority of SBS stations along the corridor, as well as other roadway improvements.

Learn more about the overall progress of the Webster Avenue Select Bus Service project.

For questions about the progress of the Webster Avenue Select Bus Service project please contact Krystin Hence, Community Outreach Coordinator, at brt@dot.nyc.gov.


The primary design goals for the Webster Avenue SBS are to improve transit service, pedestrian safety, and roadway operations. The design draws on components that have proven successful on other corridors in New York City and includes a range of treatments, each responding to the varied traffic levels, street width, and curbside access needs along the corridor.

Current Webster Avenue design features:

DOT and NYCT, in partnership will the NYC Department of Design and Construction, will construct additional improvements along the Webster Avenue corridor in 2016. New features will include:

  • Bus bulbs at most SBS stations on Webster Avenue
  • Real-time information at most SBS stations along the corridor
  • Pedestrian safety improvements, including neckdowns and extended sidewalks
  • Planted medians

Before  After

Offset bus lane  Off-board fare payment

Additionally, the project incorporates other elements, such as curb extensions, pedestrian refuges, and medians to improve pedestrian and motorist safety along the corridor.

Community Outreach and Reports

Community outreach for the Webster Ave Select Bus Service project included a Community Advisory Committee, open houses, Community Board presentations, and outreach to specific stakeholders, such as local merchants and community institutions. Throughout the study, design, and implementation process, DOT employed this outreach strategy to foster a dialog between the stakeholders and the agency and ensure full community engagement.

Community Advisory Committee

DOT and NYCT convened a Community Advisory Committee to provide guidance for the Webster Avenue Select Bus Service project. The committee met every few months during the project planning phase and was comprised of a broad range of stakeholders, including elected officials, Community Boards, community groups, and major area institutions.

February 6, 2012
Project introduction and discussion May 2, 2012
Design ideas

September 27, 2012
Draft corridor design

November 29, 2012
Traffic analysis and bus service changes

Community Boards

DOT and NYCT presented the project to the all of the community boards along the Bx41 corridor:

Community Board 1
February 11, 2013

Community Board 3
March 11, 2014

February 12, 2013

Community Board 4
March 5, 2014 February 6, 2013 Community Board 5
March 20, 2014 March 21, 2013 Community Board 6
March 6, 2014 March 7, 2013 Community Board 7
April 10, 2014 March 14, 2013



The Webster Avenue SBS Progress Report describes the planning process, provides project details and results, and suggests additional future improvements to the corridor.

Read the Progress Report on the first year of Select Bus Service on Webster Avenue


Fall 2011
Begin study and data collection along corridor

Winter 2012
Convene Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

Spring 2012
Hold an open house to present draft corridor concepts to the CAC and the community for feedback

Summer 2012
Select preferred corridor concept; refine local details with stakeholders

Fall 2012
Complete traffic analysis and environmental review

Spring 2013
Finalize street markings and curb regulation plan

June 30, 2013: Service began on the Bx41 Select Bus Service

Engineering design of capital work

Construct bus bulbs and other capital elements