
BRT Phase II - Planning

NYC DOT and NYCT are considering additional BRT routes beyond those already planned. As a first step, NYC DOT and NYCT analyzed a range of transit needs across the five boroughs that may be good candidates for BRT. The analysis looked at neighborhoods that are not served by the subway system, transit trips that are long and slow, subway corridors that experience heavy crowding, and areas that are expected to experience significant growth. The results of this analysis were summarized in a report, Introduction to Bus Rapid Transit Phase II, which was released in April of 2009. The report identifies over 30 corridors that present opportunities for new BRT services. Download the report, Introduction to Bus Rapid Transit Phase II

As a second step, NYC DOT and NYCT asked the public for their thoughts on the future of BRT in New York City. The two agencies held a series of seven interactive workshops in May and June 2009, the purpose of which was to educate the community about BRT and to solicit feedback on the transit needs identified in the first Phase II report. Participants also had the opportunity to suggest other potential BRT corridors and to discuss the BRT features they would like to see included in future routes. Over 300 people participated in the workshops including representatives of local elected officials, community advocates, and members of the general public. In addition to the workshops, DOT also posted an online survey about the future of BRT and received over 600 responses. The results of the public outreach were summarized in a report, Bus Rapid Transit Phase II: Public Input, which was released in June of 2010. Download Bus Rapid Transit Phase II: Public Input

Based on the results of the transit needs analysis and public feedback through the workshops and online survey, NYCT and NYC DOT compiled a list of over 40 potential BRT corridors. The two agencies then evaluated these corridors on several criteria and identified 16 potential future corridors. The results of this analysis and the final 16 corridors were summarized in a brief report, Bus Rapid Transit Phase II: Future Corridors, which was released in June 2010. Download Bus Rapid Transit Phase II: Future Corridors

Moving forward, NYCT and NYC DOT will draw upon these studies in developing new BRT services based on available funding, community support, and progress on related transit projects. For each corridor, NYCT and NYC DOT will engage in an extensive community planning effort that will include outreach to residents, neighborhood groups, community boards, local elected officials, business groups, and other stakeholders.