Annual Evaluation

Evaluation Process

Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) detailing the requirements for applying for Continuum of Care (CoC) Program funding. In response to performance-related requirements, the NYC Continuum of Care (NYC CoC) annually evaluates all HUD CoC-funded projects. The purpose of this Evaluation is to ensure adherence to current HUD priorities and standards, provide a detailed review of project level performance, and inform the project ranking used in the annual NOFA application. 

Evaluation questions are scored on the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) and Contract year. Projects not renewed in the annual NOFO do not participate in the evaluation process. All new projects in the first year of operation are evaluated but their results are not used in the NOFO ranking. Projects are responsible for complete and accurate data in the NYC HMIS Data Warehouse and the NYC CoC Local Priorities Survey.

The NYC DSS HMIS Team, in consultation with the Performance Management Committee, CoC Co-Chairs, and the CoC Team is responsible for annually refining the CoC's evaluation process and criteria, with an eye on continued alignment with HUD benchmarks and guidelines, and improving clarity and transparency in the evaluation process.

2024 Annual Evaluation

On May 30, 2024, the HMIS team hosted a virtual information session to discuss changes to the Evaluation process and Local Priority Survey, the 2024 Evaluation Timeline, and Evaluation Guidance. To access resources from the Evaluation Information Session, see the following links:

To access the live Local Priorities Survey, see the following SurveyMonkey link:

2024 Annual Evaluation Scores

To access the HMIS Evaluation scores, see the following links:

To access the Annual CoC Evaluation scores, see the following link:

Please contact Charlie Winkler ( with any questions.