Persons with Lived Experience (PWLEx) Committee

The Persons with Lived Experience (PWLEx) Committee is a NYC Continuum of Care (CoC) Standing Committee. The mission of the PWLEx Committee is to serve as the voice of representation and advocacy on behalf of the currently or formerly homeless population in New York City. The vision of the PWLEx Committee is to serve as a liaison between the NYC CoC and currently or formerly homeless persons, to participate in the decision-making process of the NYC CoC’s Steering Committee, and to fully and actively participate in the evaluation of NYC CoC renewal homeless and supportive services projects. Meetings of this Committee are open to any individual with lived experience who would like to know more about the CoC and/or homeless services in New York City.

Co-Chair Contact Information

Membership & Meeting Information

Membership in the Persons with Lived Experience (PWLEx) Committee shall be composed of persons who have lived experience of homelessness. 

For information regarding membership, please reach out to Marie Libeson,