Much of the work of the NYC Continuum of Care (NYC CoC) takes place in the context of committees. The NYC CoC has a number of committees, sub-committees, and workgroups that further the mission of the CoC in areas ranging from evaluation and performance improvement to coordinated entry and income access.
Committee Co-Chairs may establish sub-committees or workgroups to carry out specific duties that advance the purpose of the committee. A sub-committee may be created to conduct ongoing work that supports the mission of the standing committee. A workgroup may be created to conduct a defined set of activities over a specific period of time. To learn more about CoC Committees, please view Part VI of the Governance Charter.
A list of all NYC CoC committees can be found below. Additional information on each committee, including contact information for committee co-chairs, can be found by utilizing the Left Navigation.
Standing Committees are permanent committees and are intended to reflect core functions of the Continuum. The NYC CoC Standing Committees, and their corresponding sub-committees and workgroups, are found listed below:
Coordinated Assessment and Placement System (CAPS) Committee
Income Access Committee
Performance Management Committee
Persons with Lived Experience Committees:
Special Committees are created by the Steering Committee in response to shifting policy and population priorities, established by the CoC or HUD. Current Special Committees of the CoC include the following established entities:
Domestic Violence Committee
Veterans Committee
Youth Committee
Support Committees of the CoC shall provide ongoing administrative, logistical, and strategic support to the Continuum. The Support Committees of the CoC include the following:
Governance Committee
Grievance Committee
To indicate interest in participating in a committee, please contact the NYC CoC via email to Committee Co-Chairs may also solicit participation from stakeholders with subject matter expertise that may not be a part of the CoC’s general membership. For more information about committee membership and the membership selection process of each committee, please utilize the left navigation. Committee Co-Chair contact information is also available for inquiries.
Membership composition of all NYC CoC Committees shall remain balanced and include diverse representation across Continuum membership. To inquire about selection processes, attendance and participation policies, and membership review for each committee, please contact Committee Co-Chairs and view Part VI, Chapter I of the Governance Charter. Committee Co-Chair contact information is available within the Left Navigation.