If a broker or landlord refuses to rent or show you an apartment because you use government assistance to pay rent, that is source of income discrimination and it’s against the law.
By law, a landlord cannot refuse to rent you an apartment because you are paying with programs such as:
A landlord who owns a building in NYC with at least three (3) units, or a broker that works with such a landlord, must screen and consider all potential tenants in the same way. It is illegal to use government assistance as a reason to deny someone an apartment.
Listen for phrases like:
Watch out for landlords or brokers who:
To make a Source of Income Discrimination complaint, please contact the NYC Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). If you wish to file a complaint against a landlord or broker for discrimination, CCHR can assist you and take appropriate action where applicable. You can contact them at (212) 416-0197. You can also visit their website: www1.nyc.gov/site/cchr/index.page.
If you need help finding an apartment, please contact the HRA Rental Assistance Hotline through the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.
Also, you can contact the DSS Office of Civil Justice for help with a landlord-tenant dispute at their website: www.nyc.gov/civiljustice. You may also call 311 and ask for the Tenant Helpline.