Parking violation payment plan - payment instructions

Step 1: Visit CityPay Parking and Camera Violations 

  • Select "Search by License Plate" and enter your plate number and plate state.

Step 2: Select your judgment violations

  • You may see two lists: “Violations” and “Judgment Violations.”  Only judgment violations are eligible for a payment plan. 
  • The easiest way to pay is to select tickets that equal or exceed your monthly payment amount. Use the "Add to cart" button to enter your payment(s).
  • In the below example, the customer's monthly payment amount is less than or equal to $126.82.
  • Your monthly payment amount is listed on your payment plan agreement.  If you do not know your monthly payment amount, you can call (212) 440-5300 and select option 1.

If your monthly payment amount is greater than the ticket amount:

  • Please pay your monthly payment by applying it to the oldest violation. If your monthly payment amount is higher than the amount of your oldest violation, you may need to apply your payment to more than one violation.
    • Example: If your monthly payment amount is $300, choose several violations to reach $300, making a partial payment on your final ticket to meet your payment amount.

  • Use the "Add to cart" button to enter your payment(s).