A balanced diet can help you lead a healthier life. Access to healthy food varies for different populations, which is unfair and can contribute to health inequity.
The Health Department works to address inequities in access and make healthy food available to all. We offer a variety of programs and information to help you and your family eat nutritious and delicious food for every meal.
Food Access
Health Bucks are $2 coupons that can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at all NYC farmers markets. New Yorkers who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get $2 in Health Bucks for every $2 spent in SNAP benefits up to $10 per day. Health Bucks are also available through select community organizations.
Get the Good Stuff: New Yorkers who participate in SNAP can get free fruits, vegetables and beans at certain NYC supermarkets. For every dollar spent in SNAP benefits on eligible fruits, vegetables and beans, get a matching dollar (up to $10 per day) that can be used for the next purchase of eligible foods.
Groceries to Go: Eligible New Yorkers can get monthly credits to purchase groceries for delivery or pickup through an online platform.
Green Carts: Learn more about these mobile food carts that offer fresh produce, including how to become a vendor.
Resources for Businesses and Organizations to Support Healthy Eating
NYC Food Standards at Work and in City Facilities: City agencies and their contracted partners are required to follow the NYC Food Standards criteria for all foods and beverages they serve. The Health Department also encourages non-government employers to adopt the Standards and educate their staff and community about good nutrition..
Nutrition Education Programs and Resources: The Health Department runs seasonal nutrition education programming at farmers markets that is open to the public and supports organizations who want to conduct nutrition education programming with a wide variety of resources including recipes, handouts, curricula and videos.
Sodium and Added Sugars Warnings: New Yorkers have the information necessary to make informed decisions about their diets and their health when purchasing items at chain restaurants.
Child Care Centers: The City offers a variety of resources, curricula and programs to support young children establish healthy eating and physical activity habits for a lifetime.
Shop Healthy NYC: We work to increase access to healthy food in neighborhoods with high rates of nutrition-related diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.