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Energy Training

Instructor uses a sample inverter to teach Solar PV installation concepts to a group of students looking on.

Through training, DCAS helps empower City staff to make energy-smart decisions, implement operational improvements, and advocate for energy retrofits and clean energy projects across the City’s built environment. DCAS offers a diverse set of energy training and development resources to City agencies through three main pathways: the Energy Management Institute, Agency Energy Training program, and internal energy training efforts.

Energy Management Institute

To develop a skilled workforce that manages City buildings efficiently, DCAS created the Energy Management Institute (EMI) in partnership with the City University of New York (CUNY). EMI offers management, building operations, and HVAC engineering courses that provide targeted competency-based training while integrating national certification requirements. Since 2009, DCAS has enabled almost 2,100 City employees to obtain energy and building operations certifications and has trained over 7,500 learners through EMI.

EMI courses are free and open to all City of New York employees, but priority is given to staff who build, renovate, and run the City’s public buildings.

Agency Energy Training

To enable City agencies to pursue and manage specialized training for their staff, DCAS also provides expense funding for energy training and workforce development efforts that are identified, managed, and implemented by partner City agencies. Through the Agency Energy Training program, DCAS evaluates and funds training proposals from agencies that support (1) the training and professional development of City of New York’s energy management, building operations, and other related staff, as well as (2) other related energy efficiency, decarbonization, and clean energy workforce development efforts. Since 2014, DCAS has partnered with 19 City agencies in deploying training projects, including New York City Public School’s Solar Schools Education Program, School Construction Authority Passive House training, and more.

Fall 2024 update: The Fiscal Year’s Agency Energy Training application period is now closed. Eligible City agencies will be notified regarding the release of the next round of funding.

Internal Energy Training

Through in-house energy training efforts, DCAS offers standardized mini courses focused on specific programs including account and billing management, energy data, project development, and other relevant processes and functions that the Energy Management line of service manages. These short courses are targeted towards Agency Chief Decarbonization Officers (ACDOs), Agency Energy Personnel (AEPs), and relevant facilities and operations staff, with the aim of enabling them to effectively use the energy efficiency programs, platforms, and services that DCAS offers.

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