The CSC may hear and determine appeals involving a late appeal to either the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ (“DCAS”) Committee on Manifest Errors or the NYC Transit Authority (“NYCTA”) Appeal Review Panel (hereinafter both will be referred to as “agency appeal panel”). The agency appeal panel did not receive your appeal of an underlying disqualification (i.e., Education and Experience, Eligibility, Score, Character, etc.) before the appeals deadline had passed. Such an appeal is referred to as a “timeliness appeal.”
What is a timeliness appeal?
Please note that a timeliness appeal is NOT a review of the reasons for your disqualification.
Rather, a timeliness appeal to the CSC is ONLY to review the agency appeal panel’s decision that you failed to file an appeal of your underlying disqualification within the allowable time. Note that the agency appeal panel is NOT part of the CSC. Therefore, should the CSC find your appeal to be timely, your disqualification appeal will then be referred back to the agency appeal panel for further review. If the agency review panel does not change your disqualification, you may submit a new appeal of that disqualification.