Pursuant to Section 813(d) of the New York City Charter, in addition to hearing disqualification and disciplinary appeals, the CSC also may hear and determine appeals involving the following actions and determinations of the Commissioner of Citywide Administrative Services ("DCAS") or a delegated agency head:
The CSC may also hear and determine appeals involving the following actions and determinations of an agency head, which have been reviewed by DCAS:
The CSC may review these determinations to assure that they comply with the New York City Charter, Civil Service Law, and other rules. Individuals who believe that an agency has made an improper determination or action, based on the list above, may submit an appeal to the CSC. Appeals must include a signed, written request for appeal, and a copy of the agency determination notice, if one is available. The CSC will first rule on whether it has jurisdiction before accepting an appeal on the merits.
Appeals may be filed in person or by mail to the CSC at:
NYC Civil Service Commission
1 Centre Street, Room 2300N
New York, NY 10007
The CSC may also, on its own initiative, or if requested by the mayor, council or commissioner, conduct reviews, studies, or analyses of the administration of personnel in the city, including the classification of titles by the Commissioner of Citywide Administrative Services.
For more information, you may refer to sections 813, 814, and 815 of the New York City Charter.