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Do I need to visit the Licensing Unit before taking an AWS or NYSDOT exam?
No. You may register for the appropriate exam directly through AWS or NYSDOT. Once you have the required certification, you must make an appointment with the Licensing Unit to submit your information for a background investigation. Please visit Obtain a NYC Welder License for more information on the required licensing documentation.
Where can I take the examination for my AWS or NYSDOT certification?
Visit the American Welding Society (AWS) or New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for information on exam locations and contact information.
Can I take the AWS examination anywhere in the United States?
Yes. The Department will accept any AWS certification. However, you must complete a Department background check and apply for the license in person.
Can I take the NYSDOT examination anywhere in New York State?
Yes, you may take the exam in any New York county where certification examinations are offered. However, you must complete a Department of Buildings background check and apply for the license in person.
What do I need to submit to the Department after passing the AWS or NYSDOT certification exam?
For a full list of required documentation, please read our guide Obtain a NYC Welder License.
What documentation do I need to submit for my background investigation?
For a full list of the documents required for your background investigation, please read our guide Obtain a NYC Welder License.
What if I'm already a Licensed New York City Welder?
All new Welder License applicants must obtain the appropriate AWS or NYSDOT certification. In the future, this requirement will also be effective for existing Licensed Welders, but not at this time. DOB will give current Licensed Welders notification as to when this requirement will become effective for their renewals.
What will be required to renew my New York City Welder License?
Until further notice, there are no changes to your Welder License renewal. However, in the future, you will be required to obtain an AWS or NYSDOT certification and submit a visual acuity examination form, signed by a medical professional, with your NYC License renewal application.
How do I keep my AWS or NYSDOT certification active?
To maintain an active certification, you must follow the appropriate recertification procedures. AWS requires recertification every six (6) months. The NYSDOT requires recertification every three (3) years.
What if I've already tested with the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), and I am waiting to complete my background investigation?
If you've already filed with DCAS, you'll continue the process and wait for the background investigation approval. Once you've passed the background investigation, DOB will contact you to explain how you'll obtain your license card. However, in the future, Buildings will require all Licensees to obtain the required certification. Buildings will give Welder Licensees notification as to when this requirement will become effective.
What if I have a Class 1, 1R, 2, 2R, 3, 3R, or a Class 4 License?
DOB only issues one class of Welder License to new applicants. If you currently have a License class designation, at some time in the future DOB will require you to obtain the appropriate AWS or NYSDOT Welder certification and you will be issued a No-class License.
What if I want a Shop-only License?
DOB will no longer issue designations of Shop-only Licenses. You'll be required to test in all positions to obtain your NYC Welder License, which is required if conducting shop welding work on any structural member of any New York City building. If you're conducting a specialty shop weld, you'll also be required to obtain the appropriate AWS or NYSDOT certification for the specialty weld that you'll conduct.
What if I do structural welding on strip steel only?
For any structural specialty welding, new Welder License applicants must take the required certification exam for your NYC Welder License and also obtain the appropriate AWS or NYSDOT certification for the specialty.
Where can I get more information on New York City Licenses or AWS and NYSDOT certifications?
For more information on New York City Licenses, please visit the Licensing Unit or call at (212) 393-2259. For information on Welder Certifications visit the American Welding Society (AWS) or New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) website.
What if I already have an active AWS or NYSDOT certification?
If you do not currently hold a New York City Welder License, and you already have an active AWS or NYSDOT certification, you can immediately apply for your background Investigation. Please read our guide Obtain a NYC Welder License for a full list of documents required for your background investigation.