DOB NOW: Inspections FAQ

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What types of inspections can I request using DOB NOW: Inspections?

You can request development inspections through this service including inspections for Boilers, Builders Pavement Plans, Construction, Cranes & Derricks, Electrical, Elevators, House Connections, Plumbing, and Sustainability work types.

How can I request an inspection to withdraw a job in DOB NOW: Inspections?

Most withdrawal inspections can be requested through DOB NOW: Inspections. However, if the withdrawal inspection option is not available, contact the appropriate development inspections unit to ensure you are following their process.

If I am already registered in DOB NOW: Build or Safety do I need to register again?

Yes. DOB NOW: Inspections uses a different account management system. Owners, Licensed Professionals, and their Delegates, are required to register for a DOB NOW: Inspections account in order to take an action in DOB NOW: Inspections. Owners are required to use the email address listed on Section 26 of the PW1: Plan/Work Application when registering for DOB NOW: Inspections. This email address is used to link you to the properties you own and allows you to take action on your records.

Where can I go for help using DOB NOW: Inspections?

The DOB NOW: Inspections Resources page provides in-depth training manuals for all users. For any additional help, go to and fill out the form, selecting Inspections from the Module dropdown menu and the appropriate Question Category for which you are seeking additional help.

What Internet browsers can I use to access DOB NOW: Inspections?

DOB NOW: Inspections can be accessed with Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox 21, Chrome 27, or Safari 5. However, Internet Explorer 9 is the recommended browser. If you are having Silverlight browser incompatibility issues, you may visit a computer kiosk at a Department of Buildings borough office.

Who can use DOB NOW: Inspections?

Anyone can use DOB NOW: Inspections to search but owners, licensees, registered architects, professional engineers, and filing representatives must register in order to take any action in the system.

How do I register for DOB NOW: Inspections?

To register for DOB NOW: Inspections go to DOB NOW: Inspections, and follow the step by step instructions in the Account Registration and Management manual.

How do I link my PIN?

Licensed Professionals are required to go through a one-time PIN link  process that will connect applications and permits filed under their license number with their user account in DOB NOW: Inspections. LPs must enter a PIN provided by the Department of Buildings into DOB NOW: Inspections for each license that is held. Licensed Professionals that have not received their DOB NOW: Inspections PIN can request a PIN by submitting an inquiry at the Complete the form by selecting Inspections from the Module drop down menu and indicate a PIN is needed.

How do I search within DOB NOW: Inspections?

Without logging in or creating an account, anyone can use DOB NOW: Inspections to search for and view information regarding licensed professionals, records and inspections details such as results, objections and upcoming inspection appointments.

How do I request, cancel and view results of an inspection?

If you are an owner, licensed professional or a filing representative delegated to a record, you will be able to request, cancel and view results of an inspection. See the Inspections: Requesting, Cancelling and Viewing Results manual.

  • Requesting: You should request an inspection only when you are prepared for the inspection to be conducted.
  • Cancelling: Cancellations will be accepted online up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection. You must call the Department of Buildings at the phone number listed in your appointment confirmation email to cancel an inspection that is scheduled to take place within 48 hours.
  • Viewing results: All registered users associated to the record (LP, Owner and Delegates) will receive an email notification when the inspection result is available in DOB NOW: Inspections.

My inspection was cancelled but the email notification did not include a reason. How can I find out the reason?

Contact the unit that cancelled the inspection directly for more information.

I am unable to view the inspection report uploaded by the unit. What should I do?

Contact the unit that uploaded the inspection report or document directly for assistance.

How do I certify an objection?

If an objection is observed during an inspection and it does not require the Department of Buildings to return to the site for a re-inspection, it is called a certifiable objection. You can view all objections using DOB NOW: Inspections, including those that are certifiable. DOB NOW: Inspections allows owners, licensed professionals and their delegates to upload documentation to resolve certifiable objections.

Can I certify multiple objections at once?

No, only one objection may be certified in each transaction. If you have multiple certifiable objections on a record, you must repeat the certify objection steps to resolve each certifiable objection.

Important Note: Upon approval of the last certification of objection on a record, an updated Inspection Report will be generated, indicating the inspection has been passed. The inspection report will be accessible from DOB NOW: Inspections and can be used when requesting a letter of completion or sign off.

I disagree with the inspection results. Who can I contact?

Contact the unit that issued the results directly for more information.

The inspection status is Pass/Final but the sign-off is not reflected in required items. How do I get this resolved?

Contact the unit that provided the Pass/Final status directly for assistance.

When will my electrical job inspection status change from Pass/Final to Complete?

The final filing status for electrical jobs in DOB NOW: Build is Complete. Once the inspection is given Pass/Final status in DOB NOW: Inspections and the job is paid in full, the filing status in DOB NOW: Build will be changed to Complete. DOB NOW: Build is the system of record for electrical filings. The status in DOB NOW: Inspections will remain Pass/Final. If there is a PAA, the status will remain Approved.

You can find the filing status by searching the DOB NOW public portal at Search by address and then select BUILD: Job Filings at the bottom of the screen. The Filing Status will show as Complete. If you are associated with the job, you can also see the filing status on your dashboard when you log into DOB NOW: Build.

How do I delegate responsibilities?

Only owners and licensed professionals can delegate to other registered users. The delegation feature enables owners and licensed professionals to give system rights to other people such as filing representatives. Only registered users are eligible to become delegates. Follow the instructions in the Account Registration and Management manual if you need to register.

How do I easily access records I use frequently?

You can create a group of records for those you frequently use. This action is called a collection. You can create collections to organize your records by other factors such as records on the same job. Records can be added or removed from a collection at any time.

Will I need to make any payments in DOB NOW: Inspections?

No, there are no payments to be made in DOB NOW: Inspections.

Why am I receiving a message about my insurances being expired?

The message you received in DOB NOW: Inspections is because the licensing information on file indicates that the insurance(s) associated with the licensed professional on the record has expired. Refer to the Licensing Insurance Guidelines page to ensure proper submission of insurance.

I forgot my DOB NOW: Inspections password, how can I reset it?

To reset your DOB NOW: Inspections password, click here: Reset Password. You must know the correct answer to your security question to request a temporary password.

I have locked myself out of my DOB NOW: Inspections account, how can I get it unlocked?

After your first unsuccessful attempt at logging into DOB NOW: Inspections a system message will appear warning you of your unsuccessful attempt. This message is to inform you of how many attempts you are allowed to make before being locked out. You are highly encouraged to follow the steps in the Reset Password section prior to submitting a fifth attempt. If your account is locked, you must go to and fill out the form. You will receive an email response with assistance. It is not possible to unlock a DOB NOW: Inspections account online.

I forgot the answer to my security question, what should I do?

If you forgot the answer to your security question, you must go to and fill out the form, selecting Inspections from the Module dropdown menu. You will receive an email response with assistance.