The Department publishes Technical Policy and Procedure Notices (TPPN). These notices represent official policies of the Department and assist customers in following various technical procedures. TPPN's issued before 1998 are noted as "pdf" for which you will need Adobe® Acrobat Reader® installed.
2007 * 2006 * 2005 * 2004 * 2003 * 2002 * 2001 * 2000 * 1999 * 1998 * 1997 * 1996 * 1995 * 1994 * 1993 * 1992 * 1991 * 1990 * 1989 * 1988 * 1987
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #03/07 (PDF) Issued October 23, 2007 |
Removal of Damaged Sprinkler Systems in Connection with Demolition or Gut Rehabilitation Projects -- Establish a uniform procedure to process variance requests for the removal of damaged existing sprinkler systems in buildings undergoing demolition or gut rehabilitation. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #02/07 (PDF) Issued September 6, 2007 |
The Installation of Outdoor Natural Gas Fired Heaters in Unenclosed Sidewalk Cafes -- To address the installation of outdoor gas fired heating devices by the owners and/or operators of sidewalk cafes throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Such unenclosed sidewalk cafes must be licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/07 (PDF) Issued February 12, 2007 |
Voluntarily Installed Emergency Generators -- Guideline installation of emergency generators - Superseded by Buildings Bulletin 2015-002. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/06 Issued March 24, 2006 |
Accessory bathroom and kitchen facilities in connection with commercial and/or manufacturing uses -- Zoning resolution §12-10 prohibits accessory living and sleeping accommodations in C7, C8, and manufacturing districts. These guidelines set forth the scope of acceptable accessory bathroom and kitchen facilities in connection with commercial and/or manufacturing uses in such districts. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/05 Issued October 3, 2005 |
Alteration Type Required for Removal and Demolition Work -- To set forth criteria to establish the appropriate application type that must be filed for the proposed removal or demolition of all or part of a building or other structure - Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/04 Issued February 20, 2004 |
Special Flood Hazard Areas -- To change certain application procedures and construction requirements in Special Flood Hazard Areas - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #04/03 (PDF) Issued December 17, 2003 |
Decks, Porches, Terraces and Breezeways -- To clarify Section 23-44 of the Zoning Resolution. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #03/03 (PDF) Issued December 2, 2003 |
An "Alternate" Standpipe Fireline Telephone And Signaling System (SFTSS) for 'J-2' Occupancy (Residential) -- §27-974 of the New York City Building Code require a telephone and signaling system in every "J-2" building more than three-hundred feet high - Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/03 (PDF) Issued October 22, 2003 |
Interior Fire Alarm System in lieu of Mini Class 'E' System for Certain Existing Office Buildings Under 100 Feet in Height as Required by Rule §15-01 and §27-972(h) of the New York City Building Code -- To ensure proper protection of life and public safety. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/02 (PDF) Issued July 24, 2002 |
Application Type Required for Work Involving Alterations and Demolition in a Building -- To establish a procedure to determine the type of application that must be filed for work involving demolition of exterior building walls - Prospectively Rescinded. Related to Technical/Buildings Bulletin 2016-012. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #02/01 (PDF) Issued October 17, 2001 |
Unsafe Building Violation Dismissals --
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/01 (PDF) Issued September 24, 2001 |
Removal of Objections Issued at Plan Examination: Optional Self-Certification of compliance by Registered Architects and Professional Engineers -- Pursuant to Section 27-143 of the Administrative Code, the Commissioner may designate portions of the examination for limited supervisory check when the application is submitted by an architect or an engineer. Superseded TPPN #7/94. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #06/00 (PDF) Issued November 6, 2000 |
Burial of Underground Storage Tanks for Motor Fuel -- To clarify the responsibilities of the professional for design of the support of the underground tank and of the support of the traffic slab above it. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #05/00 (PDF) Issued October 4, 2000 |
Safety Standards For The Erection Of Flex Sign Structures -- To ensure that the construction and attachments of flexible fabric sign structures will resist loads acting in any direction on the sign structure and that the sign structure will be flame resistant, and to provide guidelines for the filing of plans for and permitting of these structures. Superseded Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #11/99, except for the compliance deadlines in paragraphs 1)a)i), 6)a) and 6)b). |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #04/00 (PDF) Issued October 4, 2000 |
Metering of Large Natural Gas Usage -- To permit the installation of elevated pressure gas meters on the up stream side of the gas regulator for a specific category of gas usage. Superseded Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #12/99. Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #03/00 (PDF) Issued July 26, 2000 |
Application Type Required for Work Involving Demolition in a Building -- To establish a procedure to determine the type of application that must be filed for work involving demolition of exterior building walls. Superseded Departmental Memorandum, dated March 6, 1986 regarding "Determination For Applications To Be Used: New Buildings - C26-110.0; Alterations - C26-111.0; Demolitions - C26-113.0". Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #02/00 (PDF) Issued July 24, 2000 |
Semi-Controlled Inspection for Structural Light Gage Cold-Formed Steel, Plate Connected Wood Floor Trusses and Laminated Wood "I" Beams -- To set forth the requirements for the semi-controlled inspection of the construction, including size, quality, framing, erection and both temporary and permanent bracing of light gage cold-formed steel structural members, plate connected wood floor trusses and laminated wood "I" beams. Superseded Brooklyn Borough Memorandum by Borough Superintendent George E. Berger dated August 11, 1983. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #01/00 (PDF) Issued July 19, 2000 |
Vertical Enlargements Required to have Higher Construction Classes than Existing Construction -- To establish minimum construction criteria for vertical enlargements erected as separate buildings/building sections - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #12/99 (PDF) Issued September 10, 1999 |
Metering of Large Natural Gas Usage -- To permit the installation of elevated pressure gas meters on the up stream side of the gas regulator for a specific category of gas usage - SUPERSEDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #11/99 (PDF) Issued August 20, 1999 |
Safety Standards For The Erection Of Flex Sign Structures -- To ensure that the construction and attachments of flexible fabric sign structures will resist loads acting in any direction on the sign structure and that the sign structure will be flame resistant, and to provide guidelines for the filing of plans for and permitting of these structures - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #10/99 (PDF) Issued April 16, 1999 |
Retail Convenience Stores Accessory To Automotive Service Stations Use Group 16 -- To update the guidelines to be applied in determining whether a proposed retail convenience store qualifies as an accessory use to an automotive service station. Superseded TPPN #8/94. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #9/99 (PDF) Issued April 23, 1999 |
Sidewalk Shed Applications -- To establish minimum requirements for filing sidewalk shed applications. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #8/99 (PDF) Issued April 1, 1999 |
Periodic Inspection of Exterior Walls and Appurtenances of Buildings; Local Law 11 of 1998 - CLARIFICATIONS -- To clarify the inspection method for conducting "critical examination" of the facade and appurtenances of buildings under Local Law 11 of 1998 and amended Rule §32-03 requirements. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #7/99 (PDF) Issued March 24, 1999 |
Installation Of Sprinkler Systems In Residential Buildings And Spaces Classified In Occupancy Group J-1 And J-2 Local Law # 10/99 -- To establish a policy to exempt applications for approval of plans from Local Law #10/99 - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #6/99 (PDF) Issued March 24, 1999 |
Omission Of Sprinklers From Certain Spaces In Residential Buildings - Local Law # 10/99 -- To clarify when sprinklers can be omitted from clothes closets, linen closets, pantries, water closets, water closet compartments, bathrooms, general toilet rooms and shower rooms in buildings classified in Occupancy Group J-2 and J-3 - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #5/99 (PDF) Issued February 19, 1999 |
Local Law #11/98-Building Facade Inspection Requirement -- To ensure a uniform interpretation as to which exterior building walls are exempt from, or subject to critical examination in the interest of the safety of persons in the vicinity of such walls. Supersedes TPPN #3/96. RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #4/99 (PDF) Issued February 11, 1999 |
Earthquake Code-Local Law #17/95-Enlargements -- To provide guidelines to professional engineers (P.E.) and registered architects (R.A.) in the interpretation and application of Reference Standard RS 9-6, §2312(a)(1) enacted with Local Law #17/95, the Earthquake Code. Supersedes TPPN #4/96 |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #3/99 (PDF) Issued February 11, 1999 |
Earthquake Code-Local Law #17/95-Building Separations -- To establish a uniform interpretation of Reference Standard RS 9-6, §2312(h)2.K. Building Separations enacted with Local Law #17/95. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #2/99 (PDF) Issued January 28, 1999 |
Testing Of Gas Pressure -- To permit the testing of gas pressure using gauges other than mercury gauges in order to reduce the potential hazard posed by equipment containing mercury - Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #1/99 (PDF) Issued January 15, 1999 |
Building Facade Restoration Filing Requirements -- To standardize and clarify when a work permit is required for different kinds of exterior facade work being performed due to Local Law 11 of 1998 - RESCINDED. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #9/98 (PDF) Issued November 12, 1998 |
Requirement for Licensed High Pressure Boiler Operators -- To clarify the circumstances that require high-pressure boilers to be operated by licensed individuals - Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #8/98 (PDF) Issued October 22, 1998 |
Illuminated Signs -- To provide guidelines for inspectors and plan examiners regarding illuminated signs in certain commercial districts. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #7/98 (PDF) Issued August 5, 1998 |
Children's Party and Entertainment Establishments; Eating and Drinking Establishments with Entertainment for Children - To provide guidelines for the interpretation of Zoning Resolution provisions governing eating and drinking establishments as applied to facilities for children's parties and entertainment. These guidelines are adopted in response to the Department's recognition that such establishments, located elsewhere throughout the country, provide enclosed eating and drinking facilities with controlled entertainment for children. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #6/98 (PDF) Issued June 22, 1998 |
Sign Regulations - Distinctive Architectural Features - Rescission of previous procedures. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #5/98 (PDF) Issued July 1, 1998 |
Cellular Antennas - To clarify that cellular antennas and related equipment that meet the limitations set forth herein, are not regulated by the zoning resolution. To further clarify that the installation of such antennas and related equipment does require the filing of an alteration application and the issuance of a permit. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #4/98 (PDF) Issued March 17, 1998 |
Identification of Crane/Derrick Structural Parts - To establish a standard means to identify the tower, boom, jib, struts and other structural parts used in fixed or climbing tower cranes, mobile cranes, derricks and other forms of hoist equipment for inspection and record keeping purposes. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #3/98 (PDF) Issued March 3, 1998 |
Local Law 58/87 - Change of Use of Spaces in Existing Buildings - Prospectively Rescinds. |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #2/98 (PDF) Issued February 23, 1998 |
Technical Policy and Procedure Notice #1/98 (PDF) Issued February 23, 1998 |
Walls Adjacent to "Open Lots Used for Storage or Sale of Motor Vehicles." |