June 11, 2015
Lincoln Medical Center Receives National Recognition for Excellence in Stroke Care
Statement of Dr. Christina Jenkins, President and CEO, OneCity Health Services
(New York, NY) “OneCity Health may receive a maximum of $1.2 billion under the NYS DOH Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program, should our 200+ partners consistently meet performance standards and do our share to help transform healthcare delivery in New York City. As a single organization with citywide reach, we will ensure our earned performance dollars are targeted in response to identified community needs. We know there are significant gaps in services across the care continuum in every borough, and all the OneCity Health partners stand committed to working together to fill those gaps and improve health outcomes.
"Together, OneCity Health partners serve over a million Medicaid and uninsured patients in New York City and the need for increased funding beyond this $1.2 billion allocation remains real. We continue to work with the State Department of Health to secure the additional Medicaid Waiver funds needed to improve the health of our current patients, and to engage New Yorkers who are not yet connected to care so they can access the health services they need and deserve.”