Alcohol/Drug Dependency

HHC staff helps patients who are addicted to drugs and alcohol start a new life. We create personalized treatment plans to find the course of care and support that is most effective for each patient.
Drug and Alcohol Dependency Treatment in New York City
HHC offers alcohol and drug dependency programs as part of our behavioral and mental health services. Our professional, discreet staff is focused on your recovery and wellbeing. We care for you physically, mentally and emotionally during this challenging time. Our treatment plans incorporate the most advanced, evidenced-based methods, including:
- Motivational interviewing, which encourages patients to use their strengths to help make positive steps in their recovery.
- Contingency management, which rewards gradual behavioral changes in recovering patients.
- Buprenorphine, a new office-based treatment for addictions to heroin and pain medications. Buprenorphine is a medication that relieves drug cravings without producing the same “high” or dangerous side effects. Taking the medication prevents withdrawal symptoms.
Traditional and Alternative Medicine to Combat Drug and Alcohol Dependency
Many HHC facilities are renowned for their strong programs, combining traditional and alternative medicine to help ease the symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal. Our patient-centered strategies include innovative and holistic treatments, including:
- Acupuncture and Reiki treatments, as well as stress reduction and relaxation techniques
- One to one counseling and group classes, including relapse prevention, alcohol and drug education and stress management Individual therapy and support groups
- Vocational programs
- Outpatient after-care programs, offering follow-up care for patients who completed the residential treatment program
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