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CityFHEPS is a rental assistance supplement to help individuals and families find and keep housing. It is administered by the Department of Social Services (DSS), which includes both the
Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and the Human Resources Administration (HRA).

CityFHEPS has replaced the LINC, SEPS, and CITYFEPS rental assistance programs. There is now one program to make it easier for people to get help, easier for landlords to get payments, and easier for DSS to manage cases.

New LINC, SEPS, and CITYFEPS applications are no longer being accepted. Current SEPS and LINC 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 clients will be converted to CityFHEPS when they renew, starting April 1, 2019*. CITYFEPS clients will be transitioned to CityFHEPS over the next year.

If you are currently receiving CityFHEPS and your income has changed or your CityFHEPS rent has increased, your local Homebase can assist you with requesting a modification to your CityFHEPS Rental Assistance Supplement.

* Nothing will change for clients already enrolled in LINC 6.

Important Information


If you failed to renew your CityFHEPS, you can still do so! The fastest and easiest way is to submit online through the ACCESS HRA website ( or on the ACCESS HRA mobile app. You can also download a Renewal Request form from our CityFHEPS documents page (listed under Additional Documents for Tenants). Once you complete it, send it to us by email or mail as indicated on the form, along with copies of any necessary documents. You will receive a receipt for your renewal once it is submitted and received by the agency. You will receive it in the same format in which you sent your renewal to the agency. 


If your household has had a change such as less income, an increase in rent, new household member etc., and you need to request a modification, download the Modification Request form from our CityFHEPS documents page (listed under Additional Documents for Tenants). Once you complete it, send it to us by email or bring it to us in-person at the address indicated on the form along with copies of any necessary documents.

Contact Us

If you need additional help or are have an issue with the rental amount, call the Rental Assistance Call Center through the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.