Don’t get ‘Hustled’

Don't get 'Hustled'

What’s a Hustler?

“Hustlers” are people approaching you and offering you a ride.

They are often completely unlicensed, uninsured and unsafe.

They often overcharge passengers. Other than street-hailing yellow and green cabs, TLC trips must be prearranged. TLC drivers are not permitted to solicit rides.

Red Flags

What to watch for to make sure you’re not dealing with a “Hustler”

  •  Driver is outside of the car, “soliciting” you to get in
  •  Discussing a cash price before the ride
  •  Offering rides away from the taxi line or an e-hail app

TLC Tips

Here are the ways you can identify a licensed TLC for-hire vehicle:

  • T&LC embossed at the bottom of the plate

TLC embossed FHV yellow plate

  • TLC-issued decal identifying the TLC license number and expiration

TLC-issued decal

  • Match the vehicle description/license plate to the e-hail app info
  • Every driver should have their TLC license on display - make sure it matches your e-hail app


And always remember:

Common Places To Find Hustlers

  1. Airports
  2. Train stations
  3. Concert venues
  4. Sports Stadiums
  5. Tourist Attractions
  6. Broadway shows

Only get into licensed TLC vehicles, by either using an e-hail app, utilizing a taxi line, calling a TLC-licensed base or street hailing a green or yellow taxi. It’s the safest way to travel around the city that never sleeps.

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