Request Data

Requests for records/information from the TLC are called FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) requests. Pursuant to this law all requests for records/information are analyzed. See Public Officer’s Law, Article 6, Sections 87 through 90.

You no longer need to submit a FOIL request for access to site TLC Trip Record Data, which are now available for immediate download.


All requests need to be reduced to writing. The Records Access Officer does not supply responses for any requests for records via telephone.

Make a FOIL request by e-mail

To facilitate the FOIL request process you can make your request by e-mail by completing the FOIL Form PDF below, and sending your request as an attachment to

Download FOIL form (PDF)

Make a FOIL request by fax or mail

Requests can also still be made for records by fax or mail to our office, marked to the attention of the Records Access Officer ("RAO").

NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission
Office of Legal Affairs
33 Beaver Street
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10004
Attn.: Records Access Officer

Fax (212) 313-3027

Pursuant to the Public Officer’s Law, Article 6, Section 89.3, a FOIL request must "reasonably describe" the record being requested. An accurate description of a record will enable easier identification of that record. You will receive either the documents requested, or an acknowledgement of your request from the TLC within (5) business days of receipt of your FOIL request. If you have any questions concerning the correspondence received from the TLC, you may appeal to the General Counsel.

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