New York City is home to one of the world's most diverse populations, with residents who speak more than 200 languages. Nearly half of New Yorkers speak a language other than English at home, and approximately 21.4%, or 1.8 million people, are not proficient in English.
Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Local Law 30 in 2017. Local Law 30 requires that all City agencies provide language access services, such as translating documents, interpretation services, and multilingual signage. Local Law 30 also requires that City agencies provide such services in ten designated citywide languages, which are: Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Bengali, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Arabic, Urdu, French, and Polish.
OCME's Language Access Plan outlines how our agency ensures that limited English proficient individuals are able to access our services as required by Local Law 30.
OCME's Language Access Coordinator is Alison Nixon, Esq., who also serves as a Counsel in the Office of Chief Medical Examiner.