CAPS Trainings

Coordinated Assessment and Placement System (CAPS) trainings are posted on this webpage on an ongoing basis. The trainings cover a number of topics including system updates, system redesign instructions, reporting requirements, and more.

Webinars & Presentations

CAPS Follow-up Queue Training for Housing Providers & Referring Agencies,

Housing Providers Webinar RecordingPowerPoint Slides (.pdf)

Referring Agencies Webinar Recording, PowerPoint Slides (.pdf)

Presented in September 2023

Effective August 29, 2023, the Coordinated Assessment Placement System (CAPS) now includes new functionality to manage the placement process for clients referred by HRA’s Office of Supportive/Affordable Housing Services (OSAHS) to rerental supportive housing units. The follow-up queue allows for referring agencies, housing  providers and OSAHS staff to communicate, upload documents and monitor the status of clients in the placement process.This training provides an overview of the new functionality and how users can update the status of clients in the placement process.

HRA Update on Homeless Verification and Documentation,

Webinar recording (Youtube)

Presented on February 2, 2023

Effective October 1, 2022, human service professionals are now able to provide unsheltered homeless verification letters for the NYC Supportive Housing Application. Human service professionals are individuals who have regular contact and provide services to unsheltered households. They must attempt to obtain homeless verification from a homeless service provider and provide an attestation based on the professional’s best judgment that the household is living in a place not meant for human habitation. 

Referral Request Queue (RRQ) Training,

Webinar recording (Youtube), PowerPoint slides (.pdf)

Presented on December 15, 2022

The training will provide an overview of the Referral Request Queue (RRQ) function for supportive housing providers. We will review navigation in CAPS and learn how to make a referral request for vacant units to HRA OSAHS.

Supportive Housing Application Training,

Webinar recording (.mp4), PowerPoint slides (.pdf)

Presented on July 27, 2022

The goal of this training was to increase the knowledge of CAPS users to build quality applications that support the type and level of housing requested. The training provided an overview of the Coordinated Assessment Survey and Supportive Housing Application. It addressed CAPS navigation and how to troubleshoot common issues that result in an incomplete application.

CAPS Turn Around Document (TAD) Requirements Training,

Webinar recording (Youtube), PowerPoint slides (.pdf)

Presented on April 29, 2021

This webinar was an overview of changes made to CAPS to inform housing providers about Turn Around Document (TAD) requirements effective June 30, which included a live demo in the system of the different functions to manage the Tenant, Unit, and Referral Rosters for submission of the TAD report to HRA.

CAPS Coordinated Assessment Survey Demo,

Webinar recording (Youtube) 

Presented on April 20, 2021

This webinar is a brief overview of the coordinated cntry system in NYC and demonstration of completing the Coordinated Assessment Survey.

Human Resource Administration (HRA) Redesign of Application System for Coordinated Entry,

Webinar recroding (WebEx link / use password: RwSdaG3E), PowerPoint slides (.pdf)

Presentation for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Subgrantees

Presented on September 2, 2020 

This presentation provides an important overview for housing providers to track unit details, report vacancies, provide outcomes of client interviews and to apply for HPD CoC rental assistance through the Coordinated Asssessment and Placement System (CAPS).