
Other University Programs

Program for Deaf Adults (PDA)

The Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) at LaGuardia Community College is one of the country’s largest and most comprehensive programs for Deaf and Deaf-related postsecondary educational and support services.

Students pursuing an Associate’s Degree are supported by academic, personal and job development counseling, registration assistance, classroom interpreters, tutors, note takers, testing accommodation, and special sections of Basic Skills Reading and Writing taught in American Sign Language (ASL). Courses offered under Continuing Education, also taught in ASL, include High School Equivalency (formerly G.E.D.), Adult Basic Education, Driver’s Education for Deaf adults, American Sign Language, and more.

  • Director of Program for Deaf Adults: Sasha Ponappa, MSW
  • Video Phone/Voice Phone: 347-396-0077
  • Email:

LaGuardia Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) Website