
Programs for CUNY Students

CUNY's Commitment to Students with Disabilities

Each CUNY campus features an Office of Disability Services, managed by a director who coordinates the provision of reasonable accommodations and support services for students with disabilities. Students' needs for reasonable accommodations and support services are verified by these offices. They also provide counseling and referrals, and arrange crucial auxiliary aids and services, including assistive technology services, note takers, readers, sign language interpreter services, distance learning networks, priority registration, and alternative testing arrangements.CUNY Leads

Partnership project established to facilitate the successful academic and career outcomes for students with disabilities who are enrolled in CUNY programs.

The program provides services for eligible students which include:

  • Academic advisement
  • Career counseling
  • Resume preparation
  • Interview preparation
  • Internship preparation
  • Job seeking assistance
  • Job placement assistance
  • Advocacy skills

Directory to Disability Services at CUNY

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CUNY Assistive Technology Services (CATS)

CATS are a Team of assistive technology specialists that are located at Queensborough Community College. Our goal is to stay on the forefront of assistive technology and provide support for those technologies used by students with disabilities who attend the various CUNY campuses.

  • Phone: 718-281-5014
  • Shivan Mahabir Lead AT Specialist
  • E-mail:

CUNY Assistive Technology Services Website

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Project REACH

Project REACH: Resources and Education on Autism as CUNY’s Hallmark – an Autism Initiative at City University of New York: REACH is a project developed at City University of New York (CUNY) to build capacity to better serve the growing population of college students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Since CUNY students operate within a complex web of people and structures, the program aims to educate faculty and staff about students with ASD.

More Information about Project REACH

Project REACH Campus Contacts

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Melissa Riggio Higher Education Programs

AHRC New York City's Melissa Riggio Higher Education prepares young adults with intellectual disabilities to be competitively employed and to obtain higher earnings.

AHRC New York City's Higher Education programs are available in the following boroughs:

  • The Bronx, at Hostos Community College (CUNY)
  • Brooklyn, at Kingsborough Community College (CUNY)
  • Manhattan, Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY)
  • Staten Island, at The College of Staten Island (CUNY)

AHRC Contact Form for Melissa Riggio Higher Education Programs

Melissa Riggio Higher Education Programs

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