Early Intervention Information for Families
INCLUDEnyc works to bring equity and access to young people with all disabilities in NYC by providing them and their families the resources and support they need.
They have an extensive list of resources for learning and school, family support, parenting and advocacy, employment, and social resources.
Directory of INCLUDEnyc Resources
INCLUDEnyc has a help line with specialists that can provide in-depth, one-to-one help and referral information.
INCLUDEnyc Helpline Information
The Early Childhood Direction Center (ECDC), provides information and referral services for children with disabilities ages birth through five, as well as professional development and technical assistance for families and preschool providers to improve results for preschool students with disabilities.
Early Childhood Direction Center Locations
The NYS Special Education Parent Centers provide parents of children with disabilities with information, resources, and strategies to:
INCLUDEnyc is the Early Childhood and School-Age Family and Community Engagement Center (FACE) for all five boroughs.
INCLUDEnyc Contact Information
116 E. 16th Street, 5th fl.
New York, New York 10003
Phone: 212-677-4660 (English)
Phone: 212-677-4668 (Spanish)
Fax: 212-254-4070
Contact Emails:
Rich Overton, Manager of Program Operations, roverton@includenyc.org
Parent & Family Services on IncludeNYC Website
LEICC is an advisory group by the NYC Commission of Health and Mental Hygiene. The members consist of parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities or parents of children aged three to twelve with disabilities, representatives of other city agencies, and providers of early intervention services. The LEICC meets in an open forum on a regular basis.
More Information about the Local Intervention Coordinating Council (LEICC)
Little Miracles offers a center-based full day program to 3-5 year-old children with Autism or PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder).
Programming focuses on learning readiness skills, academics, social skills, play skills and self-help skills.
75 Skyline Drive
Staten Island NY, 10304
Phone: 718-727-8202
Little Miracles Preschool Website
Home-based early intervention service for infants and toddlers (0-3 years), center-based early intervention services for infants and toddlers (0-2), and Full-day preschool (3-5 years of age).
Helen Keller Services for the Blind Children's Program Website