Future Housing Initiative

Future Housing Initiative

HPD-NYSERDA $15 Million Future Housing Initiative for New Construction

Passive House concepts. Image courtesy of Building Energy Exchange.

HPD has partnered with NYSERDA to pilot a streamlined approach for incorporating clean energy incentives and technical assistance to support the development of high performance, all-electric new projects that meet HPD’s “Reach” goals. Funding will total $15 Million and will be allocated in two rounds. A total of $7.5 million was awarded to projects in Round One.

Round Two Funding Description

Round Two of The Future Housing Initiative will provide a total of $5.8 million to owners and developers of multifamily projects being financed through HPD New Construction Programs to fund the construction of high-performance all-electric multifamily buildings that will achieve Passive House Certification.

Eligibility: The Future Housing Initiative will be open to projects in HPD’s New Construction Pipeline (with an assigned HPD Project ID) that are closing by December 31st, 2026. Projects slated to close prior to December 2024 or that have not begun their Uniform Land Use Review Process (ULURP) will not be considered for Round #2 of FHI. Projects will be competitively selected through an application process. 

Funding: Up to $9,000 per dwelling unit is available to a select number of projects that can demonstrate a financing gap to achieve the program’s performance goals. Funding will be capped at a maximum of $1,500,000 per project. Projects may use incentives to cover both hard and soft costs.

  • Base Funding: Up to $7,000/ dwelling unit
  • Boost Funding: Up to $2,000 per dwelling unit

Once selected, the project team will work with a NYSERDA funded Technical Assistance Provider to optimize the design and construction process. 

Additional Details can be found in the HPD Future Housing Initiative Round 2 Description 

How to Apply:    

  1. Submit a Soft Commitment Letter from HPD Program.
  2. Completed Attachment A - Program Requirements Checklist 
  3. Completed Attachment B - Disclosure of Prior Findings of Non-responsibility Form 
  4. Completed Attachment C - Certification Under Executive Order No. 16
  5. Complete the Future Housing Initiative Program Application which includes multiple tabs.
  6. Submit at least 3 renderings or other descriptive images showing building massing and facades, plus 1 building section.
  7. Please feel free to submit any additional drawings and/or supporting documents that would be helpful in illustrating how this project will be successful in meeting the FHI requirements. If these files will result in a submission greater than 10 megabytes, please do not send by email but provide a cover memo and link to download the files in your application package.
  8. Submit a signed contract with a licensed or certified professional who is able to certify the project as Passive House.
  9. Documentation of ULRUP Review status, if applicable. 

Applications can be submitted here: futurehousinginitiative@nyserda.ny.gov   

Applications must be consolidated into a zip file of no larger than 10 megabytes, and named: FutureHousing_ProjectName_HPD ID 

Application Deadline(s):   

  • Application Period opens June 28
  • Full applications are due by July 10th, 2024
  • We aim to notify winners by the end of August

Round Two Application Documents 

Round Two FAQ

Please email additional questions to: futurehousing@hpd.nyc.gov

Technical & Policy Resources 

Owner Resources 

Resident Resources 

Round One Program Documents 

Additional questions? 

Please email additional questions to: futurehousing@hpd.nyc.gov