A ticket is defective if certain required elements are missing, illegible, or mis-described. Defective tickets may be dismissed. The following elements are required to be accurate and legible:
- Plate number
- Plate type (for example, PAS, OMT, COM, etc.)
- Make or model (for example, TOYO, FORD, BMW, etc.)
- Body type (for example, SUBN, MCY, 4DSD, etc.)
- State of registration
- A general statement of the violation charged (for example, “TR §4-08(e)(9)—bike lane,” etc.)
- The proper section of law must be cited (for example, §4-08(e)(9), etc.)
- A “plain English” description of the violation must also be stated (for example, “bike lane,” “fire hydrant,” etc.)
- The date and time (a.m. or p.m.) the ticket was issued
- The place where the ticket was issued (“front of” or “opposite,” etc.), excluding “status” and “equipment” violations
- Status violations: registration or inspection sticker, improper registration, covered VIN, and registration plate violations
- Equipment violations: missing, broken, or improper equipment (for example, headlights, brake lights, signals, windshield, mirrors, tinted windows, etc.)
- The ticket must indicate what is broken, missing, or improper
- First observation time—for time-limited zone violations
- Overtime parking (parking meter)
- Storage violations (3 hours, 24 hours, or 7 days)
- Overtime parking—time limit posted
- Expiration date of registration or inspection, if the charge is for expiration
- The issuer’s signature (doesn’t have to be legible, as long as it is signed)
- The days or hours the posted sign is in effect (unless in effect 24 hours)
- Meter number (for certain meter violations)
- A charge of “failure to display” (VC38) does not need the meter number
- A charge of “expired meter” (VC37) must include the meter number
Pay particular attention to handwritten tickets and make sure the printed information is accurate.