Your property tax bill shows:

  • Current and past due property tax changes;
  • Other property-related charges
  • Any exemptions or abatements you receive
  • Any overpayments or credits on your account
  • The discount you can receive for early payment
  • General information about how your taxes are calculated
To understand how we assess your property and calculate your tax bill visit Assessments.

Where do your tax dollars go?

In New York City, property tax represented 44% of all the city tax dollars collected in fiscal years 2024, which ended on June 30, 2024. This chart shows how all city tax dollars were spent.


Health & Welfare




Uniform Agencies (police, Fire, Sanitation, Corrections)


Other Agencies (Transportation, Housing, Parks, etc)

You will receive a property tax bill if you pay the taxes yourself and have a balance. If a bank or mortgage company pays your property taxes, they will receive your property tax bill. Bills are generally mailed and posted on our website about a month before your taxes are due.

If your property’s assessed value is:

$250,000 or less

Bills are mailed:

  • Quarterly (four times a year)
  • Payment is due on July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1
more than $250,000

Bills are mailed:

  • Semi-annually (2 times a year)
  • Payment is due on: July 1 and January 1
Property tax bills & payment information
Tax rates
Requirement to pay by electronic funds transfer (EFT) requirement

You can now receive alerts when payments are credited to your property tax account. To receive notifications, you must be listed as an owner on property deeds and other official records.

Register Now

Due dates
Overdue balances & late payments
Refunds & credits
Update property & billing information
Lien sales
Other agency charges