FDNY Leadership visits new September 11th exhibit on the anniversary of the end to rescue efforts at Ground Zero

May 31, 2024

FDNY attends May 30, 2002 Commemoration Ceremony

Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, First Deputy Commissioner Joseph Pfeifer and other FDNY officials visited the 9/11 Memorial & Museum on Thursday, May 30, 2024, to view a new exhibit and attend a ceremony marking the formal end to rescue and recovery efforts at the site.

"Dust: Illness and Advocacy After 9/11" is a new installation that explores the impacts of the toxic plume that blanketed lower Manhattan streets and coated the insides of homes, businesses and schools in the area.

"The exhibit sheds light on the repercussions of the toxic dust that engulfed the city and its profound impact on those exposed to it," Fire Commissioner Kavanagh said. Thursday's ceremony was held on the Memorial Glade and honored the rescue, recovery and relief workers; remembers those who have died from World Trade Center-related illnesses and injuries; and recognizes the resilience of the survivors and the lower Manhattan community.

The rescue, recovery and relief efforts at Ground Zero ended May 30, 2002.