S-89 Certificate of Fitness for Certification of Corrected Fire Alarm System Defects


The S-89 Certificate of Fitness is required by:

  1. the fire alarm system installer who personally corrected the defect; or
  2. licensed master electrician or licensed special electrician who personally corrected the defect or supervised the work of a qualified electrical technician

To certify correction of the fire alarm system defects.

This Certificate of Fitness is valid only for the specific person to who it is issued and can be used anywhere within New York City.

  • New Application Fees: $25
  • Renewal Fees: $15
  • Application Reviewed Within: 5 Days
  • Renewal Cycle: 3 Years

Before You Submit Your Application

You must submit an Alternate Issuance Procedure (AIP) application. All applicants must review the Notice of Exam and Study Material.

Qualified applicants should review and complete the S-89 Alternative Issuance Procedure Application and must submit all required qualification documents via mail.

Additional Information

Related Fire Rule:

Additional Resources

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